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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849327 entries)
EARS ear system
ENT ear, nose & throat
ENF ear, nose fibrescope
ENT ear, nose, and throat
ENT ear, nose, thorat
ENT ear, nose, throat
ENT ear, nose, throat specialist Michae­lBurov
ORT ear, nose, throat specialist Michae­lBurov
ENT ear-nose-throat specialist Michae­lBurov
EVS ear-to-voice span slitel­y_mad
nagging, non-stop chatter earbashing
a lot of gossip earful
EF earlier failure
EALT earliest anticipated launch time
e.a.t. earliest arrival (arriving) time
e.a.t. earliest arrival time
ECE earliest completion of event
ECT earliest completion time
EDR earliest date of release
EDD earliest delivery date