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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856148 entries)
DMFS count of the number of decayed, missing, filled tooth surfaces in a persons mouth Michae­lBurov
DMFS surfaces index count of the number of decayed, missing, filled tooth surfaces in a persons mouth Michae­lBurov
DMF surfaces index count of the number of decayed, missing, filled tooth surfaces in a persons mouth Michae­lBurov
CTM count per minute
CT/M count per minute
CTS count per second
CPS count per second gulive­r2258
u-chart count per unit control chart Liolic­hka
CR counting rate
CPIF count rate porosity-indicator flag
CRRA count rates ratio
CR count reverse
CRAZI count routine applied to zero input
CSP count strength product
count toward count towards Баян
count against count towards Баян
CU counting unit
CKD count-key data
denumerable set countable set ssn
C/D countdown