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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849280 entries)
comp.g. compressed gas
Comp.Gen. Comptroller General
comp.m. compound motor
comp.net. compensating net
comp.p. compression pressure
comp.r. compression ratio
comp.strength compression strength
COMP/comp. compensation
COMPA compressed air
COMPA compressed air
COMPAC Computer Program for Automatic Control
Compac man-portable SATCOM terminal
COMPAC compact processor and computer
COMPACAF Commander, Pacific Air Forces COMPACAREACOGARD Commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area
COMPACFLT Commander, Pacific Fleet
COMPACS computer-oriented manufacturing production and control system
COMPACS computer oriented manufacturing production and control system
COMPACT COMmittee to Preserve American Color Television
COMPACT Computer predicting & Automating course tracking
COMPACT Compatible Algebraic Compiler and Translator