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Terms for subject Military (71893 entries)
CSD classification and standards division
CCN classification change notice
classification code The alpha - numeric symbol which denotes the complete hazard classification for a particular type of ammunition
classification cryptomaterial crypto
classification of bridges and vehicles Operation consisting making a classification of bridges (or rafts) and vehicles in parallel, taking a range of standard vehicles as a basis. This classification results in the assignment of class numbers which have to be written on each vehicle and on each bridge (or raft) A vehicle belonging to one class can cross a bridge (or embark on a raft) whose class is at least equal to its own. Exceptional dispensations can sometimes be granted, upon a commander's decision.
CC classification of characteristics
CD classification of defects
CLASSICS classification of identification of covert satellites
CI classification of inventory
Classification, Recovery and Evacuation CRE
Classification/Classified Class
CATP classified area term pass
CCC classified control clerk
CCO classified control officer
CDI classified defense information
Classified Delta Operations CDO
Classified Doctrine Concept CDC
CDC classified document control
CI classified information
Classified Information Handling System CIHS