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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
CEIR civil emergency information room
CEIS cost and economic information system
CEJ cooperative expendable jammer
CEL Central European line
CEL combined events list
CEL contractor experience list
cell Generic appellation of the organic and/or operational component of a basic unit, a company team or a specialised support detachment which only comprises personnel belonging to a single branch or a single operational function, and who most of the time implement the same weapon system. It corresponds to a section, a platoon or an Army Aviation patrol, depending on the branch they belong to. Subdivision within a Staff. The cell itself can be subdivided into several teams. 2. Organic elements of a commanding post, replacing the traditional subdivisions, they are specialized in the processing of information pertaining to the major components of maneuver (military intelligence, combat support, logistic support, etc.) If needed, the cells themselves can be divided into teams.
Cell Adapter Unit CAU
Cell Interface Unit CIU
Cellular Logistics Team CLT
Celsius C
CELT coherent emitter location technology
CEM communications-electronics maintenance
CEM compromising emanations
CEM cost effective method
cemetery cem
CEMIRT civil engineering maintenance, inspection, repair and training
CEMO command equipment management office
CEMPAC communications-electronics-metrology program aggregate code
CEMR contractor estimating methods review