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Terms for subject Computers (6188 entries)
Call Forwarding CF
Cambridge Programming Language CPL
Camillus Ultra Design Advantage CUDA
Canada West CW
Canadian Blood Services CBS
Canadian Overseas Telecommunication Corporation COTC
Canon Advanced Printing Technology CAPT
Capability Maturity Model Integrated CMMI
CAPTCHA CAPTCHA (from "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart")
captcha CAPTCHA (from "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart")
Captive Farmed CF
Card Bus CB
Card Query Language CQL
Carolina Computing Initiative CCI
CAS centralized attendant service
Case Insensitive CI
Cassette K7
Catalog Interchange Format CIF
Catalogue Handling Interface CHI
CCA contention channel access