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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849339 entries)
auto-HSCT autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
APL autologous peripheral lymphocytes
APC autologous platelet concentrate Michae­lBurov
APC+ autologous platelet concentrate enriched with growth factors Michae­lBurov
ARFC autologous rosette-forming cells
ASST autologous serum skin test ННатал­ьЯ
AAC automat and automatic control
AK automat kalashnikov
automata network automata net ssn
automata net automata network ssn
automaton theory automata theory ssn
ACH automate clearing house
AMEL automated Mars exploration laboratory
ASSERT automated SIGINT system for early recognition of target
AAS automated accounting system Углов
AAFIF automated air facility information file
AAIPS automated air information production system
AALPS automated air load planning system
AAMDS automated air movement data system
AAGDI automated air/ground data interchange