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Terms for subject General (3918 entries)
aline align
a/h all hours ABelon­ogov
all the way through to all the way to Баян
all work and no play all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all-heal all heal, allheal or all-heal may refer to any of several plants supposed to have broad healing powers
all-heal allheal
All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities Nina79
allarg. allargando
allarg. allargando
allayment allaying Баян
alleviate concern h Aprile­n
alright all right
also-rans loser MDR
Alt. Deputy Alternate Deputy Bauirj­an
alum alumnus sergiv­s
Am Acad Rel American Academy of Religion
Amb Ex Ambassador Extraordinary
amc Annual Maintenance Contract Violet
America the Land of Opportunity Shabe
AMI Mech E Associate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers