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Terms for subject General (3917 entries)
azeo azeotropic twinki­e
baby bed cot Bobrov­ska
backbitten backbite
background music BGM {spec1}
bacteriological weapons biological weapons
bailiwick the office or jurisdiction of a bailiff
bakra backra
bald as a coot as bald as a coot
banana type reed type Alexan­der Dem­idov
Bankwesengesetz BWG Dilnar­a
banquet banquet
BAR Burn After Reading tadzhm­akhal
bare-backed riding without a saddle
bareback without a saddle
bareback with the back of a horse, burro, etc., bare
barebacked riding without a saddle
barebacked without a saddle
basin of water with two handles on either side used for washing (one's) face or hands 𤭯 {oK}
bat an eye not bat an eye
bat an eyelid not bat an eyelid 4uzhoj