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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
ASW air-sea warfare
ASW air-to-surface weapon
ASW antisatellite weapon
ASW antisubmarine warfare
ASW antisubmarine weapon
ASW Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter ATCH
ASW/AAW antisubmarine and antiair warfare
ASW/UW antisubmarine warfare/underwater warfare
ASWAC Antisubmarine Warfare Advisory Committee
ASWACS antisubmarine warfare air close support
ASWADS antisubmarine warfare air distant support
ASWAECS antisubmarine warfare air escort and close support
ASWB antisubmarine warfare barriers
ASWC Antisubmarine Warfare Center
ASWC antisubmarine warfare commander
ASWC antisubmarine warfare coordinator
ASWCCS Antisubmarine Warfare Command and Control System
ASWD Army special weapons depot
ASWDS antisubmarine warfare data system
ASWEC antisubmarine warfare electronic countermeasures