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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
ARDE Army radiological detection equipment
ARDEF all-round defense
ARDEMS artillery delivered multipurpose submunitions
ARDM Auxiliary Repair Drydock
ARDME automatic radar distance measuring equipment
ARDP Army requirements development plan
ARDPS Army research and development planning system
ARDS advanced range data system
ARDS advanced remote display station
ARDS airborne radar demonstration system
ARE acoustic radiation element
ARE airborne radar extension
ARE aircraft reactor equipment
ARE aircraft recovery equipment
ARE auxiliary rocket engine
AREA Army reactor experimental area
area ar
area Functional area within a logistic squad level point where the assets required to carry out a logistical task are gathered.
area Regiment- or battalion-sized functional facility, component of a base or detachment, that provides a logistic support in a specific field.
area air defence commander Commander responsible for all air defence operations within his assigned area