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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
Applications Layer AL
APT applications pilot test
ATS applications technology satellite
Applied Physics Laboratory APL
APPRES applied researches
ASL applied science laboratory
ASL applied science laboratory
ASDEC applied systems development and evaluation center
ATL applied technology laboratory
appln application
Appointing Authority AA
AO appointing order
APPT appointment
appointment app
APRMD appointment recommended
approach appr
APPR Army package power reactor
appraisal of the Navy RDT & E program ANREP
appreciation of the situation The examination and analysis of the factors and circumstances that influence the preparation and conduct of combat operations, including defining those that help the mission and those that hinder it. It includes examining and analyzing information concerning the enemy, friendly forces, the area of combat operations, the weather and climate, the time factor, etc. It is carried out by the commander with the help of his staff, the commanders of the various arms or branches and the commanders of the specialized support troops and services in deciding on the operation or battle and during command and control in action.
AS apprentice seaman