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Terms for subject Technology (32585 entries)
AFRDB Air Force research and development branch
African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology AFRA
AFRP asbestos fiber reinforced plastic
AFRS advanced fighter radar system
AFRS Air Force radio service
AFRSI advanced flexible reusable surface insulation
AFRTS Armed Forces radio and telegraph service
AFRTS-LA American Forces radio and television service, Los Angeles
AFRTS-W American Forces radio and television service, Washington
AFS advanced figure sensor
AFS Air Force standard
AFS auxiliary feed water system
AFSBSS Air Force space based surveillance system
AFSCC Air Force security communications center
AFSCF Air Force satellite/spacecraft control facility
AFSK audio-frequency shift keying
AFSM automatic field strength meter
AFT active file table
AFT audio frequency transformer
AEB aft equipment bay