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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849306 entries)
AIP abandoned in place
AO abandoned oil
abd-ogw abandoned oil & gas well
abdogw abandoned oil/gas well
ABPR abandoned producer
ASD abandoned salvage deferred
ABSC abandoned sub-commercial
ABND abandonment
A&R abandonment & recovery
A/R abandonment and recovery
A/R abandonment and recovery Michae­lBurov
A&R abandonment and recovery Michae­lBurov
ARW abandonment and recovery winch
AC abandonment cost
AOPR abandonment oil production rate
Pa abandonment pressure
ABDNSHP abandonship Углов
ABA abatement
ANCAT abatement of noise caused by air transport
Islamic dress, which covers the whole body except the face, feet, and hands abaya Butter­fly812