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Terms for subject Abbreviation (848514 entries)
DCPG -3,4-DiCarboxyPhenyl Glycine
-35 sequence minus 35 sequence
-> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons PC
GBL -Butyrolactone Sagoto
VSI VSV -Indiana
left lateral acceleration -asub y
backward acceleration -asub х
footward acceleration -asub х
NACN -acetyl-L-cysteine
NAGN -acetyl-β-glucosaminidase
glycoprotein α1 AGP alpha1
-BE activity model
-BE Activity model showing process after change
-can transistor-out-line metal-can package
NK -cells natural killers
-CH2-CHOCO-CH=CH-C6H5-n polyvinylcinnamate
AFP a -fetoprotein
-Gsub x back acceleration
-Gsub y left acceleration
-Gsub z tailward acceleration