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Terms for subject Abbreviation (848514 entries)
M & FP maximum and final pressure
CAPS & LIMS Capabilities and Limitations
P. & S. pig-and-scrap process
& FP maximum and final pressure M
& LIMS Capabilities and Limitations CAPS
& S. pig-and-scrap process P.
&c. et cetera
f.o.d. &ee of damage
&HC hot and cold
&S Sudanese Pound
Decimal (A data type that stores a signed, exact numeric value described as the number of digits appearing before and after the decimal point, with a maximum of 29 total digits. All possible digits cannot be represented if you are using the maximum number of digits) దశాంశం
visibility (The ability of one element to see or refer to another. For one element to send a message to another element, the latter must be visible to the former) దృశ్యమానత
D/S …days after sight
the aughts '00s LyuFi
'00s the aughts LyuFi
Murrumbidgee 'Bidgee
BZ 'Bravo Zulu' - USN signal meaning "well-done"
Vietnam 'Nam Val_Sh­ips
NQL 'Network Query Language
PAMPUS 'Photons for Atomic and Molecular Processes and Universal Studies