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Terms for subject Idiomatic (385 entries)
take the bull by the horns to do something difficult in a brave and determined way
cut corners to do something in a way that saves time, effort, or money, but that also results in it not being done properly
cut corners to do something in the easiest and shortest way, esp at the expense of high standards
cut corners to do something in the easiest and shortest way, esp at the expense of high standards
cut corners to do something in the easiest or most inexpensive way
cut corners to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way
drop the other shoe to do the deed that completes something; to do the expected remaining part of something
drop the other shoe to do the final part of something, especially when it is anticipated
go south to drop out of sight
raise eyebrows to elicit shock, surprise, or offense, typically through unconventional actions or words
have (one's) cake and eat it to enjoy both of two desirable but incompatible alternatives
go south to escape; to vanish or disappear
be thin on the ground to exist only in small numbers or amounts
break wind to expel gases generated during digestion, especially through the anus; to fart or flatulate
thumb (one's) nose to express disdain or defiance
wake up and smell the coffee to face reality and stop deluding oneself
wake up and smell the coffee to face up to reality, esp in an unpleasant situation
come up with snake eyes to fail to come up with anything 4uzhoj
go south to fall or drop; to depreciate; to lose quality or value
go south to fall; to go down