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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
Swimmer Reconnaissance Landing Craft LCSR
SWIMS serialized weapons information management system
SWIMS ship weapon installation manuals
SWIP shallow-water improvement program
SWIR Short Wave Infrared
SWIR special weapons inspection report
SWIRTERCAT SWIR Terrain Categorization
Swiss Army Knife SAK
Swiss Military Net SMN
switch The switch allows one to connect pieces of equipment or concentrators to the remaining part of the network and it makes the road to direct the data towards the network section where the intended piece of equipment is located. In this way, it allows one to better manage the data flow than the concentrator does.
Switch Multiplexer Unit SMU
switch-off line (of IFF equipment) Line beyond which the aircraft flying towards the combat area switch their IFF equipment off. (FRA)
Switched Data Services SDS
Switched Digital Integrated Service SDIS
SWL strategic weapon launcher
SWLT strategic warning lead time
SWM shallow-water mine
SWM special warfare mission
SWMCCS standard weather messages command and control system
SWNAS South Weymouth naval air station