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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849335 entries)
SB scrap and build
S&B scrap and build
SRRS scrap and rework rejection system
SB scrap bait
SCP scrap conditioning and processing EgorNM
SR scrap rate
STP scrap tag processing
SLR scrap, loss, rework browse­r
SOL scrape-off layer
SRPR scraper
scr scraper
A fitting in either end of a pipeline with a shut-off valve and a door to insert or remove a pipeline scraper which is pushed through the pipeline to clean it and increase flow efficiency. scraper trap 2Xist
SRPG scraping
SFP scrapless forming process
SP scrapped parts
Scr. scratch
sda scratch drive actuator Andrey­250780
SHN scratch hardness number
SCPD scratch pad
SP scratch pad