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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
pass band All the frequencies which can be used, without any significant loss, in a communications channel. It is calculated as the difference between the highest and lowest frequency admitted by the channel.
Pass Certified PC
Pass In Review PIR
PASS Network Control Center PNCC
pass time In road transport, the time that elapses between the moment when the leading vehicle of a column passes a given point and the moment when the last vehicle passes the same point.
passage pas
passage psg
passage of lines An operation in which a force moves forward or rearward through another force’s combat positions with the intention of moving into or out of contact with the enemy.
passage point A specifically designated place where units will pass through one another either in an advance or withdrawal. It is located where the commander desires subordinate units to physically execute a passage of lines.
passage way Tunnel within an underground storage facility
Passed Not Advanced PNA
Passenger Standing Route Order PSRO
PASSEX Passing Exercise
Passivated Emitter Rear Locally PERL
passive In surveillance, an adjective applied to actions or equipments which emit no energy capable of being detected.
passive air defence All measures, other than active air defence, taken to minimize the effectiveness of hostile air action. These measures include deception, dispersion, and the use of shelters
passive air defense All measures, other than active air defence, taken to minimize the effectiveness of hostile air action. These measures include deception, dispersion, and the use of protective construction.
passive defence Passive measures taken for the physical defence and protection of personnel, essential installations and equipment in order to minimize the effectiveness of hostile action
passive defense Passive measures taken for the physical defense and protection of personnel, essential installations and equipment in order to minimize the effectiveness of hostile action. Related term: active defence.
passive deterrents A genre of non-lethal weapons that does not affect the physiology of the target individual