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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856160 entries)
NANU notice advisory to NAVSTAR users
NB notice board
SNOWTAM notice for airmen about snow clearing at aerodrome Leonid­ Dzhepk­o
NOFT notice notification of foreign travel
NAR notice of ammunition reclassification
NOA notice of arbitration Kovrig­in
NOC notice of cancellation
NCAD notice of cancellation of anniversary date
NOC notice of change
NCI notice of change incorporation
NOC notice of completion Yuriy8­3
NCD notice of credit due
NVD notice of credit due
NODI notice of delayed items
NOD notice of dispatch Yuriy8­3
NOE notice of exception
o.e. notice of exception
NE notice of exception
NOE notice of execution
NOL notice of intent