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Terms for subject Unit measures (668 entries)
Meters Per Pixel MPP
Meters, Kilograms, Seconds MKS
Metric Ton Of Carbon MTC
Metric Ton Of Styrofoam MTS
Metric Tons MT
Metric Units Of Measurement MUOM
MG Milligrams
MHO 1 / Ohms
mho (<устар.>) S (in the International System of Units (SI) Michae­lBurov
mho (<устар.>) om-1 Michae­lBurov
mho (<устар.>) mo Michae­lBurov
mho mo Michae­lBurov
Microgram - 0.000001 Gram UG
microjoule µJ Rada04­14
Microsoft Foundational Class MFC
Miles Per Girl MPG
Miles Per Watt MPW
Mili Newton Meter MNM
Mille M
Milli Absorbance Units MAU