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Terms for subject Wood processing (98 entries)
CU. saws for special materials
SAF self-assembly furniture
short log mill sholo mill
SAP specific abrasion parameter
S.O.S. spout-over-shaft chipper
S.U.S. spout-under-shaft chipper
AA straight teeth
TEGAS tapering-edging-glueing-assembling system
BD teeth with alternately bevelled backs and fronts
BA teeth with alternating bevelled backs
RA teeth with flat tope and tapered sides
CA teeth with right-hand back bevels
TWX timber wrapping
T.I.R. total indicated run out
EA/EAM trapezoidal teeth
TCT saw triple chip teeth
VAP volumetric abrasion parameter
B2 wide kerf
Cu-Cr-As wood preservatives
ZAA zinc-arsenic-additive preservative