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Terms for subject Slang (1346 entries)
sleepout house verandah converted to a bedroom
howya how are you maysta­y
numero uno https://ru.multitran.com/m.exe?a=244&doit=1&dict=395&doreplace=1&Find=radiof%C3%ADsico&&MatchWords=1&Gls93mjhS=1
hundo p hundred percent Lily S­nape
hurrication hurricane evacuation Rudy
hustle hurry up
get with it hurry up
dipstick idiot
whacka idiot
feud if you had Intere­x
lurk illegal or underhanded racket
imba imbalanced acroga­mnon
red hot important
cranky in a bad mood
hitting on all eight in good shape
in stir in jail
whip it out inf. A common phrase used to describe the occasion of a man suddenly producing his penis, often when completely unexpected and for no reason whatsoever. andreo­n
rinky-dink inferior
dob (somebody) in inform on somebody
call copper inform the police