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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
EVADE evaluation of air defense effectiveness
evade (to) To make a backward or lateral withdrawal movement without the enemy having knowledge of it, and aimed at rendering the opponent's action or retaliation ineffective. (FRA)
evaluation eval
evaluation Written or spoken statement worded by an analyst concerning a situation, a capability, an activity or an intent.This assessment may be the subject matter of specific documents (intelligence estimate, situation assessment, etc.) It must be distinguished from the statement and the presentation of the facts justifying it. it. 2. Process enabling one to pass a judgment to help towards the decision making. This judgment may be qualitative or quantitative. It may concern an individual, an organization, a process or a situation. This evaluation is conducted by comparing observable characteristics with norms defined beforehand.
Evaluation and Analysis Center EAC
Evaluation and Validation E&V
Evaluation Assurance Level EAL
Evangelistic Literature Enterprise ELE
Evans Signal Laboratory ESL
Evaporites E
evasion Measures taken either to avoid or escape detection, or to break contact with a hostile or potentially hostile unit. 2. The procedures and operations whereby military personnel and other selected individuals are enabled to emerge from an enemy-held or hostile area to areas under friendly control.
Evasion Plan of Action EPA
EVC error vector computer
EVDS explosive vapor detector system
Event Analysis Matrix EAM
Event Verification Officer EVO
Events Resourcing Model ERM
Ever Ready ER
everyday support Support having to do with ordinary or everyday equipment.
evidence evid