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Terms for subject Law (8349 entries)
European Legal Database on Drugs ELDD
European Standardised Information Sheet ESIS spanis­hru
Ev.. Evidence
Evaluate Refute ER
evanescent evidence Evidence which can disappear relatively quickly, such as the amount of alcohol in a person's blood
Event Tracking Number ETN
Ever So Evil ESE
Everybody Run ER
Everyone Is Good EIG
eviction expel from one’s residence by the owner
eviction Recovery of land or rental property from another by legal process.
evidence a s oral or written statement, object, etc. supporting a point in the case
evidence evid.
Evidence E
evidence Any proof legally presented at trial through witnesses, records, and/or exhibits
evidence by hearsay hearsay evidence Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Evidence Processing Room EPR
Evidence Rules ER
Evil E
Evil Association EA