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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
ESCD engineering specification control document
ESCF electronic systems compatibility facility
ESCORT electronic system for control of receipt transactions
escort cort
escort esc
escort A combatant units assigned to accompany and protect another force or convoy. 2. Aircraft assigned to protect other aircraft during a mission. 3. An armed guard that accompanies a convoy, a train, prisoners, etc. 4. An armed guard accompanying persons as a mark of honour.
ESCRG escort guard
ESCS emergency satellite communications system
ESD earliest start date
ESD end of screening date
ESD engineer stores depot
ESD equipment statistical data
ESDAC European Space Data Center
ESDC equipment statistical data card
ESE east-southeast
ESE electronic support equipment
ESE engineering support equipment
ESE environmental simulation equipment
ESE experimental simulation equipment
ESE experimental support equipment