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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
deterrence The convincing of a potential aggressor that the consequences of coercion or armed conflict would outweigh the potential gains because of the overt threat of retaliation
deterrent action Political, economic, military and other measures taken by a state or coalition of states in order to prevent aggression or other breaches of international law
deterrent force A credible military capability, whether conventional or nuclear, which, together with the clear political will to act, is intended to convince any potential aggressor that the consequences of an attack would outweigh potential gains
Deterrent Force Modules DFM
detonating cord A waterproof flexible fabric tube containing a high explosive designed to transmit the detonation wave.
detonation det
detonator A device containing a sensitive explosive intended to produce a detonation wave.
detour Traffic control action aiming to change the destination and route of a movement in progress. The route which is then used is called an alternate route.
detour Deviation from those parts of a route, where movement has become difficult or impossible, to ensure continuity of movement to the destination. The modified part of the route is known as a detour.
DETPAY detained pay
DETRINS detailed routing instructions
Detroit Institute of Technology DIT
Detroit Ordnance District DOD
Detroit Signal Laboratory DSL
Detroit Tank Arsenal DTA
DEU data entry unit
DEU data exchange unit
DEU digital evaluation unit
DEU display electronic unit
Deuterium Floride DF