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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849324 entries)
CO cut-off
CPS cut-off and put-on system
CBVI cut-off bulk volume of irreducible
Fc cut-off frequency
COF cut-off frequency
COG cut-off grade Michae­lBurov
COV cut-off valve
COV cut-off voltage
COWL cut-off wavelength
CW cut-off wavelength
CWL cut-off wavelength
COV cut-off-vale
CO cut-out
cut-off relay cut-out relay ssn
CRES cut-rolled expanded stems sardan­apal
CTL cut-to-length method
CTCL cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
CBH cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity
CLA cutaneous lymphocyte antigen
CRI cutaneous radiation injury iwona