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Terms for subject Slang (1352 entries)
thingo wadjamacallit
wayament wait a minute Vadim ­Roumins­ky
have the curse on someone want to see someone killed
screw around waste time
jerk someone around wasting my time and causing me trouble
chill tonight watch a movie for 10 minutes then have sex Yanama­han
drink out of the same bottle we were close friends
wussy weak person
hardware weapons
mull weed
good onya well done
what's the grift? what are you trying to pull?
what's the wire on them? what information do you have about them?
wagwan what's going on? Himera
wag1 what's going on? maxkwa­y
wazap what's up
wassup what's up ch_tra­nsl
sup what's up?
thingo whatsit
oozee who does he Intere­x