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Terms for subject Literature (1001 entries)
vowel The letters a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes w and y.
war literature Works - mainly poetry - written about, or as a result of, the First World War. Sometimes this literature can be patriotic, but usually expresses a sense of revulsion and disgust.
Washington Junior Board of Trade Toastmasters Club WJBT
WCTM Warner Center Toastmasters
WCTM West County Toastmasters
West Knoxville Toastmasters WKT
western A literary and cinematic genre discernible by several conventions. The setting is usually a short main street in a dusty village of the American west, in the 1800s. Often, themes include a struggle between law and lawlessness.
Western Star ToastMasters WSTM
Westland Easy Talkers Toastmasters Club WET
subversion when a concept or text aims to undermine an established idea.
Where there's muck there's money Where there are dirty jobs to be done there is money to be made nouray
whodunnit whodunit 'More
whodunnit whodunit 'More
William Blake Born on 28 November 1757, Blake died on 12 August 1827. Whilst essentially unknown during his lifetime, Blake is enormously well regarded now a days for his poetic works during the Romantic Period.
William Shakespeare Both an English poet and playwright (1564-1616) Shakespeare wrote during the Elizabethan and Jacobean period. In poetry he is most renowned for his sonnets, which cover such themes as love, the effects of time, mortality and carpe diem. Shakespeare's poetic mastery, understanding of human nature and skill with words, several of which he created and brought into use, are what make him so successful.
William Wordsworth Born in 1770, William Wordsworth was an English Poet Laureate. He was arguably the founder of romanticism. The Prelude will be remembered as one of his greatest achievements.
Winnipeg Real Estate Board Toastmasters WERB
Winter Park ToastMasters WPTM
witch's familiar A companion of a witch, generally an animal.
Word For The Day WFTD