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Terms for subject Meteorology (1783 entries)
PC Imaging Communications System PICS
PC-GRIDDS personal computer-gridded interactive display and diagnosis system
PCGRAFAX PC-based High Frequency Facsimile System
PCPH precipitation
PDI pilot's direction indicator
PDNs public data networks
PENT penetrate
PENT penetrate
P/C percentage of coverage
PRSTG persisting
PC-GRIDDS personal computer-gridded interactive display and diagnosis system
PFSV pilot-to forecaster service
PHA hectopascal
Phillips Laboratory, Geophysics Directorate PL/GP
PIBAL pilot balloon
PIC Pacific
PICO pilot balloon not observed because of clouds
PIDU no pilot balloon observations, thick dust
PIE planning, international and efficiency
PIFO no pilot balloon observation, foggy