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Terms for subject Sakhalin (256 entries)
pptf pounds per square inch (psi) per thousand feet
ppg pounds/gallon
ppg pounds/gallon
pptf pounds per square inch (psi) per thousand feet
Pran Protection review and analysis
PrD Production Directorate Sakhal­in Ener­gy
pre-stack imaging (Shell term) pre-stack time migration
pre-stack imaging (Shell term) pre-stack time migration
gor production gor
progressive limit states :
psid pounds per square inch differential pressure
PT pigment testing pipa19­84
PtL Producing the Limit Sakhal­in Ener­gy
PtL Workshop Producing the Limit Workshop Sakhal­in Ener­gy
PtU Permits to Use
plc public limited liability company Sakhal­in Ener­gy
pWPS manufacturer's preliminary Welding Procedure Specification
Q.A. Dept. Quality Assurance Department
qtze quartzite
qtze quartzite