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Terms for subject Meteorology (1783 entries)
National Water-Level Observation Network NWLON
Natural Observation Research Activator NORA
NLM nautical miles
NAVAF Navy- Air Force
Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography Center NLMOC
Naval Environmental Data Network NEDN
Naval European Meteorology and Oceanography Center NEMOC
Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem NITES
Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command NMOC
Naval Oceanographic Data Distribution and Expansion System NODDES
Naval Oceanographic Data Distribution System NODDS
Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center NPMOC
NAVICECEN Naval Ice Center
N navigation
N navigator
Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System NOGAPS
Navy Operational Regional Atmospheric Prediction System NORAPS
NC no comments
NCEP Central Operations NCO
NE non-effective