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Terms for subject Slang (1340 entries)
knock back refusal
knock back refuse
deck knocked down
knocked up pregnant
knocker somebody who criticises
knockout stunning person
knuckle sandwich punch in the mouth
koochie the same as a pussy or the females vagina key4
kook strange people
krunk To get excited, adrenaline flowing, hyper Franka­_LV
krunk To have a good time especially at a party Franka­_LV
l8tr later maMash­a
lair a flashily dressed young man of brash and vulgar behaviour
lair to dress up in flashy clothes
lair to renovate or dress up something in bad taste
lair it up to behave in a brash and vulgar manner
lame an inadequate
Lame brain A slow person. Franka­_LV
lammed off escaped
lammed off ran away