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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
HIP habitability improvement plan
H/CQ habitability/crew quarters
habitual association Relation existing between assigned or adapted units and the supported unit, in order to provide combat support and combat service support. The action of the former is coordinated following a functional logic.
HABS high-altitude balloon system
HABS high-altitude bombing system
HABS high-altitude bombsight
HABS high-altitude balloon system
HABS high-altitude bombing system
HABS high-altitude bombsight
HAC heavy antitank convoy
HAC heavy attack aircraft commander
HAC helicopter aircrew commander
HAC high acceleration cockpit
HACLCS Harpoon aircraft command and launch control set
HACLCS Harpoon aircraft command and launch control set
HACLS Harpoon aircraft command and launch subsystem
HACLS Harpoon aircraft command and launch subsystem
HACP hard core penetrator
HACP heavy artillery command post
HAD heat actuated device