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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
FAAD (Forward Area Air Defense) Integrated Test Support System FITSS
FAADC2I forward area air defense command and control and intelligence
FAADC2I Dual Workstation class computer unit AD
FAADC2I Lightweight Computer Unit AL
FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit AS
FAADGS forward area air defense gun system
FAADS forward area air defense system
FAADW forward area air defense weapon
FAAF Forney Army Airfield
FAALS field artillery acoustic locating system
FAAM family of air-to-air missiles
FAAO field artillery aerial observer
FAAO finance and accounting office
FAAP forward air ammunition park
FAAS family of Army aircraft system
FAAS family-of-aircraft study
FAAS forward area alerting system
FAASV field artillery ammunition supply vehicle
FAB family allowance, class B
FAB first-aid box