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Terms for subject Telecommunications (2809 entries)
Element Manager EM
Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ETC
eMBB Enhanced Mobile Broadband Alexan­der Osh­is
Embedded Operations Channel EOC
Embedded Operations Channel EOC
emergency dialling emergency dialing ssn
emergency dialling emergency dialing ssn
eNPS employee NPS Michae­lBurov
eNPS employee Net Promoter Score Michae­lBurov
employee Net Promoter Score eNPS Michae­lBurov
End of Frame Sequence EFS
End of Text Block ETB
End Of Transmission Signal ETS
End System Identifier EDI
End System-Intermediate System ES-IS
cyclic shift end-around shift
End-System ES
Ending Delimiter ED
Enhanced Call Routing ECR
Enhanced Cellular EC