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Terms for subject Environment (6297 entries)
shopping centre (Enclosed area in which there is a variety of shops) مركز تسوق
show (A performance, program or exhibition providing entertainment to a group of people, displayed either through some communication media, such as radio or television, or live at a museum or theater) عرض
shredder (A size-reduction machine which tears or grinds materials to a smaller and more uniform particle size. Shredding process is also called size reduction, grinding, milling, comminution, pulverisation, hogging, granulating, breaking, chipping, crushing, cutting, rasping) آلة تقطيع
shrub (A woody perennial plant, smaller than a tree, with several major branches arising from near the base of the main stem) جَنَبة - شجيرة
shunting yard (Area where a car or a train can be shoven or turned off or moved from one track to another) ساحة تحويل
sick building syndrome (A set of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, and dizziness, typically affecting workers in modern airtight office buildings and thought to be caused by indoor pollutants, such as formaldehyde fumes, particulate matter, microorganisms, etc.) متلازمة المبنى غير الصحي
side effect (Any secondary effect, especially an undesirable one) أثر جانبي
side effects of pharmaceutical drugs الآثار الجانبية للعقاقير
sieving (The size distribution of solid particles on a series of standard sieves of decreasing size, expressed as a weight percent) النَخل
silencer (Any device designed to reduce noise, especially the device in the exhaust system of a motor vehicle) كاتم الصوت
silicon (A brittle metalloid element that exists in two allotropic forms; occurs principally in sand, quartz, granite, feldspar, and clay. It is usually a grey crystalline solid but is also found as a brown amorphous powder. It is used in transistors, rectifiers, solar cells, and alloys. Its compounds are widely used in glass manufacture, the building industry, and in the form of silicones) السيليكون
silo (A large round tower on a farm for storing grain or winter food for cattle) السَلوة
silt (The fine mineral material formed from the erosion of rock fragments and deposited by rivers and lakes. Its particles are the intermediate form between sand and clay. The particles can range in size from 0.01-0.05 mm in diameter) غرين
silt طمي
siltation إطماء
silting up (The filling or partial filling with silt of a reservoir that receives fine-grained sediment brought in by streams and surface runoff) الامتلاء بالطمي
silver (A very ductile malleable brilliant greyish-white element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal. It occurs free and in argentite and other ores: used in jewellery, tableware, coinage, electrical contacts, and in electroplating. Its compounds are used in photography) الفضة
simulation (A representation of a problem, situation in mathematical terms, especially using a computer) محاكاة
single family dwelling (An unattached dwelling unit inhabited by an adult person plus one or more related persons) مسكن لأسرة واحدة
sinking of waste (A manner of waste disposal in which refuse or unwanted material is dumped or submerged beneath the surface of a body of water) إغراق المخلفات