
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Vosoni: 6.577  << | >>

abbr. Vice V.
abbr. Volunteers V.
abbr. verses v.
abbr. see v.
abbr. verb active v.a.
abbr. Victoria Cross V.C.
abbr. very good v.g.
abbr. lat. vide infra v.i. (see below)
abbr. germ. vorigen Monats v.M. (last month)
abbr. lat. vide supra v.s. (see above)
abbr. lat. vice versa v.v. (opposite)
abbr. Order of Victoria and Albert VA
abbr. vacation vac.
abbr. chem. Valine aminoacid Val
abbr. comp. Value-Added Algorithmic Language VAL
abbr. geogr. Vanuatu Van.
abbr. variety var.
abbr. geogr. Vatican City Vat.
abbr. Virtual Address eXtension/Virtual Memory System VAX/VMS
abbr. Microsoftc Visual Basic for Applications VBA (see also OLE)
abbr. VESA BIOS Extensions VBE
abbr. Variable-length Bit Field VBF
abbr. Virtual Block Number VBN
abbr. med. VC vital capacity
abbr. Volume Control Block VCB
abbr. Virus Creation Centre VCC
abbr. Virus Creation Laboratory VCL
abbr. phys. Voltage Controlled Negative Resistance VCNR
abbr. various dates vd
abbr. astr. lat. Vela Vel (the Sails, Паруса)
abbr. geogr. Venezuela Venez.
abbr. germ. verbessert verb. (improved, revised)
abbr. med. VF ventricular fibrillation
abbr. Variable-with-Fixed-Control VFC
abbr. VESA Feature Connector VFC
abbr. VeriFY VFY
abbr. Vicar-General VG
abbr. very good vg
abbr. germ. vergleiche vgl. (compare)
abbr. Virogen's Irregular Code Engine VICE
abbr. geogr. Vietnam Viet.
abbr. astr. lat. Virgo Vir (the Virgin, Дева)
abbr. Visualization and Imaging Space and Terrestrial Archive VISTA
abbr. astr. Very Large Array VLA (radio telescope)
abbr. VLCC very large crude carrier
abbr. med. VMA vanillylmandelic acid
abbr. VESA Media Channel VMC
abbr. Virtual Matrix Encryption VME (refer to www.meganet.com)
abbr. Visible Mutation Engine VME
abbr. Victoria Medal of Honour VMH
abbr. Visual Network Monitor VNM
abbr. Victorian Order VO
abbr. vocative voc. (case)
abbr. fr. see there! voil
abbr. astr. lat. Volans Vol (the Flying Fish, Летучая Рыба)
abbr. Inosov S.V., compiler of this dictionary Vosoni
abbr. Virtual Page Number VPN
abbr. Victoria Regina VR
abbr. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Officers' Decoration VRD
abbr. Voltage Regulation Module VRM
abbr. med. visit vs
abbr. med. VS vital signs
abbr. versus vs. (against)
abbr. med. VSD ventricular septal defect
abbr. el. Very Small Outline package VSO
abbr. voting vt
abbr. astr. lat. Vulpecula Vul (the Fox, Лисичка)
abbr. verse vv.
abbr. Very Worshipful VW
abbr. work w
abbr. worker w
abbr. wolfram w (tungsten)
abbr. geogr. Western Africa W. Afr.
abbr. geogr. Western Samoa W. Sam.
abbr. waybill w.b.
abbr. without charge w/c
abbr. med. wheel chair w/c
abbr. weight guaranteed w.g.
abbr. walk over w.o.
abbr. week ending w/e
abbr. weight for weight w/w
abbr. Western Australia WA
abbr. Wait-before-transmitting positive ACKnowledgement WACK
abbr. Write And Read Many WARM
abbr. geogr. Warwickshire Warw.
abbr. Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service WAVES (U.S. Navy)
abbr. Write Back WB
abbr. Window Control Block WCB
abbr. Write Control Character WCC
abbr. Writable Control Store WCS
abbr. Women's Christian Temperance Union WCTU
abbr. Writeable Diagnostic Control Store WDCS
abbr. phys. Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry WDS
abbr. comp. Watch Dog Timer WDT
abbr. World Federation of Trade Unions WFTU
abbr. warehouse whr
abbr. warehouse receipt whs. rec.
abbr. geogr. West Indies WI
abbr. geogr. Windward Islands WI
abbr. weeks wks

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