
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Vosoni: 6.577  << | >>

abbr. US National Bureau of Standards NBS (from 1988 - NIST)
abbr. National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA
abbr. National Coal Board NCB
abbr. Network Connect Block NCB
abbr. comp. Network Contro Center NCC
abbr. relig. National Council of Churches NCC
abbr. National Conference of Christians and Jews NCCJ
abbr. med. National Cancer Institute NCI
abbr. comp. National Centre for Supercomputing Applications NCSA
abbr. comp. National Computer Security Association, before 1985 - CSC NCSA
abbr. National Computer Security Centre NCSC
abbr. Network Control Utility NCU
abbr. Non-Destructive Readout NDR
abbr. phys. Negative Differential Resistance NDR
abbr. geogr. NE Nebraska
abbr. National Education Association NEA
abbr. National Endowment for the Arts NEA
abbr. Nuke Encryption Device NED (Polymorphic Generator)
abbr. National Economic Development Council/Office NEDO
abbr. Net Export of Goods and Services NEGS
abbr. National Endowment for the Humanities NEH
abbr. geogr. Nepal Nep.
abbr. geogr. Netherlands Neth.
abbr. National Football Conference NFC
abbr. National Football League NFL
abbr. National Farmers Organization NFO
abbr. New Font Selection Scheme NFSS
abbr. Network File Transfer NFT
abbr. National Farmers Union NFU
abbr. med. NG nasogastric
abbr. astr. New General Catalog NGC (Drayer catalog)
abbr. astr. Next Generation Space Telescope NGST
abbr. med. National Heart Blood Lung Institute NHLBI
abbr. Network Interconnect NI
abbr. geogr. Nicaragua Nic.
abbr. Network Information and Control Exchange NICE
abbr. Notation Interchange File Format NIFF
abbr. geogr. Nigeria Nig.
abbr. Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer NIMS
abbr. comp. New Image Transition Format NITF
abbr. New Jersey Institute of Technology NJIT
abbr. National League NL (baseball)
abbr. NewLine character NL
abbr. lat. non licet nl (not permitted)
abbr. lat. non liquet nl (it is not clear)
abbr. lat. non longe nl (not far)
abbr. phys. Non-Linear Chromatography NLC (or the corresponding peak function of the same name)
abbr. phys. Non-Linear Capacitance NLC
abbr. med. National Library of Medicine NLM
abbr. Network Licensing System NLS
abbr. NonMaskable Interrupt NMI
abbr. tech. Nordic Mobile Telephones NMT
abbr. note, notes nn. (footnote, footnotes)
abbr. econ. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act NNPA
abbr. econ. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty NNPT
abbr. astr. National Optical Astronomy Observatories NOAO
abbr. med. night noc
abbr. nominative nom. (case)
abbr. it does not follow non seq.
abbr. NO-OPeration instruction NO-OP
abbr. astr. lat. Norma Nor (the Square, Наугольник)
abbr. geogr. Northamptonshire Northn.
abbr. Network OS NOS
abbr. National Organization for Women NOW
abbr. National Physics Laboratory NPL
abbr. Numeric Processor Unit NPU
abbr. near nr
abbr. National Recovery Administration NRA
abbr. National Rifle, Association of America NRA
abbr. Nuke Random Life Generator NRLG
abbr. med. NS normal saline
abbr. US National Security Agency NSA
abbr. Network Security Architecture and Design NSAD
abbr. comp. NATO Secondary Image Format NSIF
abbr. astr. National Space Science Data Centre NSSDC
abbr. National Severe Storms Forecast Centre NSSFC
abbr. Northwest Territories NT
abbr. comp. New Typesetting System NTS
abbr. tech. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation NTT
abbr. Not-Uniform Rational B-Spline NURBS
abbr. NonVolatile RAM NV RAM
abbr. no value declared nvd
abbr. comp. Network Voice Protocol NVP
abbr. comp. No Visible Porosity NVP
abbr. geogr. New York City NY
abbr. med. New York Heart Association NYHA
abbr. origin o.
abbr. originated o.
abbr. Order of the British Empire O.B.E.
abbr. outward cargo o.c.
abbr. Order of Friars Minor O.F.M. (Franciscans)
abbr. Order of Preachers O.P. (Dominicans)
abbr. old series o.s.
abbr. Old Style O.S. (Julian calendar)
abbr. Order of Saint Benedict O.S.B.
abbr. old account o.a.
abbr. on account o.a.
abbr. open account o.a.
abbr. overcharge o/c
abbr. overdraft o/d

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