
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Vosoni: 6.577  << | >>

abbr. AIT Average Instruction Time
abbr. AIX Advanced Interface Executive
abbr. AJBO Anti-Jamming Black-Out
abbr. tech. ALA Alighting Area
abbr. chem. ALA Alanine
chem. Ala Alanine aminoacid
med. alb albumin
geogr. Alb. Albania
abbr. Ald. alderman
geogr. Alg. Algeria
med. alk phos alkaline phosphatase
abbr. astr. ALPO Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
abbr. Alta. Alberta
abbr. aM morning
abbr. AM Access Manway
abbr. AM Ante Meridiem, before noon
abbr. AM Associate Member
abbr. AM Master of Arts
abbr. Am Phys Soc American Physical Society
geogr. Am. America (n)
geogr. Am. Sam. American Samoa
abbr. med. AMA Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody
abbr. amal amalgamated
abbr. amb amber
abbr. econ. AMEX American Express
abbr. file.ext. AMF Music format (DMP)
abbr. amp amperage
abbr. amp-hr ampere-hour
abbr. ampl amplitude
abbr. amps amperes
abbr. AMS Agricultural Marketing Service
med. amy amylase
abbr. An anode
abbr. An normal atmosphere
abbr. anal analytic
abbr. med. ANCA antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
lat. And Andromeda (Андромеда)
geogr. And. Andorra
abbr. ang angle
abbr. med. ANLL acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
abbr. ann annals
file.ext. Ann Multi volume ARJ archive (ARJ archiver)
abbr. file.ext. ANS File includes ANSI-symbols (ANSview)
lat. Ant Antilia (the Pump, Насос)
geogr. Ant. Antigua
abbr. ANTA American National Theatre and Academy
med. Anti-SMA Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody
abbr. ANZAC Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
abbr. AO A-operator
abbr. AO tanker
abbr. AOCB any other competent business
abbr. AOH Ancient Order of Hibernians
abbr. med. AOP aortic pressure
abbr. med. AP anteroposterior
abbr. Ap A-pole
abbr. AP anomalous propagation
abbr. ap apex
abbr. ap apothecary
abbr. AP argument pointer
abbr. AP arithmetical progression
abbr. AP authority to pay
abbr. AP authority to purchase
abbr. APA available phosphoric acid
abbr. med. APAG antipseudomonal aminoglycosidic penicillin
abbr. APC average propensity to consume
abbr. comp. APDA Apple Product Developers' Association
abbr. APFC automatic phase and frequency control
abbr. APIC Advanced Peripheral Interrupt Controller
abbr. comp. APL Automatic Picture Level
abbr. tech. APL Acceptable Process Level
abbr. APME Alpha PolyMorphic Engine
abbr. astr. APO Apache Point Observatory
abbr. APPC Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
abbr. APRANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
lat. Aps Apus (the Bird of Paradise, Райская Птица)
abbr. med. APS Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome
abbr. med. APSAC anisoylated plasminogen/streptokinase activator complex
abbr. apsi amperes per square inch
abbr. med. APTT activated partial thromboplastin time
abbr. aq sol aqueous solution
lat. Aql Aquila (the Eagle, Орел)
lat. Aqr Aquarius (the Water-carrier, Водолей)
abbr. file.ext. ARC Archive format (ARC, PKARC/PKXARC, PKPAK/PKUNPAK)
abbr. tech. ARFDS Automatic Re-entry Flight Dynamics Stimulator
geogr. Arg Argyllshire
abbr. chem. ARG Arginine aminoacid
geogr. Argyl. Argyllshire
lat. Ari Aries (the Ram, Овен)
abbr. ARI airborne radio installation
abbr. file.ext. ARJ Archive format (ARJ archiver ARJZ)
abbr. file.ext. ARK Archive format (QUARK archiver)
abbr. ARL Arial
abbr. med. ARM artificial rupture of membranes
abbr. ARM aviation radioman
geogr. Arm. Armenia
abbr. armtr armature
abbr. ARS aircraft radio sight
abbr. ARSB anchored radio sonobuoy
abbr. ARTA American Radio-Telegraphists Association
abbr. ARU automatic range unit

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