
 English thesaurus - terms added by user MichaelBurov: 29.686  << | >>

27.10.2013 9:12:36 abbr. binary GeoPS binary geothermal power plant
27.10.2013 9:12:10 abbr. binary geoPP binary geothermal power plant
27.10.2013 9:11:22 abbr. binary GPP binary geothermal power plant
27.10.2013 9:08:06 abbr. MELiSSA Microecological Life Support System Alternative
18.10.2013 21:51:38 abbr. int.rel. IRCRC Movement International RC/RC Movement
18.10.2013 21:51:38 abbr. int.rel. IRCRC Movement International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
18.10.2013 20:51:38 int.rel. ICRC movement IRCRC Movement
18.10.2013 20:51:38 int.rel. International RC/RC Movement IRCRC Movement
18.10.2013 20:51:38 int.rel. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement IRCRC Movement
18.10.2013 20:51:24 abbr. International RC/RC Movement ICRC movement
18.10.2013 20:51:24 abbr. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement ICRC movement
18.10.2013 20:51:24 abbr. IRCRC Movement ICRC movement
16.10.2013 10:00:19 abbr. int.rel. Regional Health Initiative RHI
16.10.2013 9:57:30 abbr. proj.manag. RACI principles RACI
16.10.2013 9:57:30 abbr. proj.manag. RACI principles responsibility assignment matrix RACI
16.10.2013 9:57:30 abbr. proj.manag. RACI principles responsible, accountable, consulted, informed
16.10.2013 9:57:30 abbr. proj.manag. RACI principles responsibility, accountability, communication, information
16.10.2013 9:57:17 abbr. proj.manag. RACI matrix responsibility, accountability, communication, information
16.10.2013 9:52:41 abbr. proj.manag. RACI matrix RACI
16.10.2013 9:52:41 abbr. proj.manag. RACI matrix responsibility assignment matrix RACI
16.10.2013 9:52:41 abbr. proj.manag. RACI matrix responsible, accountable, consulted, informed
16.10.2013 9:46:06 abbr. int.rel. Red Cross/Red Crescent RC/RC
16.10.2013 9:11:58 abbr. K Age Knowledge Age
16.10.2013 9:06:01 int.rel. Y-peer Youth Peer Education Network
16.10.2013 8:57:30 abbr. RACI matrix RACI principles
16.10.2013 8:57:30 proj.manag. responsibility assignment matrix RACI RACI principles
16.10.2013 8:57:30 proj.manag. responsibility, accountability, communication, information RACI principles
16.10.2013 8:57:30 proj.manag. responsible, accountable, consulted, informed RACI principles
16.10.2013 8:57:17 abbr. RACI principles RACI matrix
16.10.2013 8:57:17 proj.manag. responsibility, accountability, communication, information RACI matrix
16.10.2013 8:57:04 abbr. proj.manag. RACI RACI principles
16.10.2013 8:57:04 abbr. proj.manag. RACI responsibility, accountability, communication, information
16.10.2013 8:52:41 proj.manag. responsibility assignment matrix RACI RACI matrix
16.10.2013 8:52:41 proj.manag. responsible, accountable, consulted, informed RACI matrix
16.10.2013 8:51:54 abbr. proj.manag. RACI RACI matrix
16.10.2013 8:51:54 abbr. proj.manag. RACI responsibility assignment matrix RACI
16.10.2013 8:51:54 abbr. proj.manag. RACI responsible, accountable, consulted, informed
15.10.2013 0:15:19 abbr. int.rel. FHI Family Health International
15.10.2013 0:04:39 abbr. int.rel. International RC/RC Federation IFRC
15.10.2013 0:04:39 abbr. int.rel. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Federation IFRC
15.10.2013 0:04:39 abbr. int.rel. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IFRC
15.10.2013 0:03:16 abbr. int.rel. IRCRCF IFRC
15.10.2013 0:03:16 abbr. int.rel. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IRCRCF
14.10.2013 23:28:09 abbr. Knowledge Age K Age
14.10.2013 23:26:28 abbr. proj.manag. PKM personal knowledge management
14.10.2013 23:19:21 abbr. SCOR analysis strengths, challenges, opportunities, resources
14.10.2013 23:17:13 abbr. busin. QPR Quarterly Progress Report
14.10.2013 23:16:25 abbr. Youth Peer Education Network Y-peer
14.10.2013 23:14:21 abbr. int.rel. RHI Regional Health Initiative
14.10.2013 23:11:13 abbr. int.rel. RC/RC Red Cross/Red Crescent
14.10.2013 23:04:39 abbr. int.rel. IFRC International Federation of Red Cross
14.10.2013 23:04:39 abbr. int.rel. IFRC International Red Cross and Red Crescent Federation
14.10.2013 23:03:16 abbr. int.rel. IRCRCF International Federation of Red Cross
14.10.2013 23:03:16 abbr. int.rel. IRCRCF International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
14.10.2013 19:37:33 abbr. econ. SCOR analysis SCOR
14.10.2013 18:40:29 abbr. polym. PLGA PLG
14.10.2013 18:37:33 econ. strengths, challenges, opportunities, resources SCOR analysis
14.10.2013 18:37:18 abbr. econ. SCOR SCOR analysis
14.10.2013 18:37:18 abbr. econ. SCOR strengths, challenges, opportunities, resources
14.10.2013 18:02:23 abbr. med. TSS endotoxic shock
14.10.2013 18:02:23 abbr. med. TSS endotoxin shock
14.10.2013 18:02:23 abbr. med. TSS infectious-toxic shock
14.10.2013 18:02:23 abbr. med. TSS toxic shock
14.10.2013 18:02:23 abbr. med. TSS toxic shock syndrome
14.10.2013 17:40:47 abbr. polym. PLGA polylactide coglycolide
14.10.2013 17:40:47 abbr. polym. PLGA polylactide-co-glycolide
14.10.2013 17:40:47 abbr. polym. PLGA polylactide-coglycolide
14.10.2013 17:40:29 abbr. polym. PLG PLGA
14.10.2013 17:40:29 abbr. polym. PLG polylactide coglycolide
14.10.2013 17:40:29 abbr. polym. PLG polylactide-co-glycolide
14.10.2013 17:40:29 abbr. polym. PLG polylactide-coglycolide
14.10.2013 17:32:05 abbr. hovercr. ACV hydroskimmer
14.10.2013 17:32:05 abbr. hovercr. ACV hovercraft
14.10.2013 17:19:50 abbr. polym. PCL poly caprolactone
14.10.2013 17:19:50 abbr. polym. PCL poly-caprolactone
14.10.2013 17:19:50 abbr. polym. PCL polycaprolactone
14.10.2013 17:17:53 abbr. bacteriol. R. rubrum Rhodospirillum rubrum ("поглотители" холестерина)
14.10.2013 16:32:05 abbr. hovercr. ACV air-cushion vessel
14.10.2013 16:32:05 abbr. hovercr. ACV hovership
14.10.2013 15:59:57 energ.ind. binary geoPP binary GeoPS
14.10.2013 15:59:57 abbr. binary GPP binary GeoPS
14.10.2013 15:59:57 energ.ind. binary geothermal power plant binary GeoPS
14.10.2013 15:59:43 abbr. binary GeoPS binary geoPP
14.10.2013 15:59:43 abbr. binary GPP binary geoPP
14.10.2013 15:59:43 energ.ind. binary geothermal power plant binary geoPP
14.10.2013 15:59:31 energ.ind. binary geoPP binary GPP
14.10.2013 15:59:31 abbr. binary GeoPS binary GPP
14.10.2013 15:59:31 energ.ind. binary geothermal power plant binary GPP
14.10.2013 4:23:02 abbr. astronaut. MELiSSA Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative (ECA)
14.10.2013 3:23:02 astronaut. Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative MELiSSA (ECA)
14.10.2013 3:23:02 astronaut. Microecological Life Support System Alternative MELiSSA
14.10.2013 1:29:44 abbr. astronaut. Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Catcher MAX-C
14.10.2013 1:28:28 abbr. nucl.phys. Particle Flow Analysis PFA
14.10.2013 1:09:50 abbr. nucl.phys. Global Linear Collider GLC (Japan)
14.10.2013 1:08:00 abbr. nucl.phys. Next Linear Collider NLC (USA)
14.10.2013 1:06:34 abbr. nucl.phys. International Linear Collider ILC
14.10.2013 1:04:31 abbr. nucl.phys. Large Electron-Positron Collider LEPC
14.10.2013 0:26:48 nucl.phys. SiD Silicon Detector SiD
14.10.2013 0:20:44 abbr. Nuclotron-NICA Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility

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