
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Andrey Truhachev: 59.991  << | >>

29.01.2022 23:28:59 gen. random selection method метод случайного отбора (Administrative selection method usually doesn't reach illiterate people, but the random selection method gets ten percent of the illiterate.)
29.01.2022 23:07:03 gen. randomly chosen выбранный наугад
29.01.2022 23:01:16 gen. selected at random выбранный наугад
29.01.2022 22:57:24 gen. choose at random выбрать наугад (academic.ru)
29.01.2022 22:57:24 gen. choose at random выбирать наугад (academic.ru)
29.01.2022 22:26:43 inf. ramble on разглагольствовать (If you say that someone is rambling on, you mean that they have been talking for a long time in a boring and rather confused way.: He stood in my kitchen drinking beer, rambling on about Lillian.)
29.01.2022 22:26:43 inf. ramble on распространяться (If you say that someone is rambling on, you mean that they have been talking for a long time in a boring and rather confused way.: He stood in my kitchen drinking beer, rambling on about Lillian.)
29.01.2022 22:20:26 inf. ramble on пустословить (If you say that someone is rambling on, you mean that they have been talking for a long time in a boring and rather confused way.: She only half-listened as Ella rambled on)
29.01.2022 22:20:26 inf. ramble on трепаться (If you say that someone is rambling on, you mean that they have been talking for a long time in a boring and rather confused way.: She only half-listened as Ella rambled on)
29.01.2022 2:30:34 idiom. go to the dogs катиться в пропасть (This country is going to the dogs – Эта страна катится в пропасть)
29.01.2022 2:08:56 gen. complain of hard times жаловаться на трудные времена
29.01.2022 1:55:05 gen. not completely randomly не совсем случайно (This is of course not completely random, but it does use a huge number of combinations of numbers and possibilities, so [...] that it might as well be random.)
29.01.2022 1:48:24 gen. not entirely coincidental не совсем случайно (At the same time, and not entirely coincidentally, the development of so-called "high level" programming languages meant that one could write a program once, in one language,)
29.01.2022 1:39:42 gen. not quite coincidentally не совсем случайно (Their design and craftsmanship created pumps, propellers and even airplanes until, in the year 1956 – and not quite coincidentally – they produced the prototype of the Jacuzzi whirlpool bath.)
29.01.2022 1:25:29 gen. quite accidentally совершенно случайно (Quite accidentally we found out, that the effect only occurred when we put a light source in a very special position towards the observer and the falling drop.)
23.01.2022 7:02:14 gen. press the bell button нажать кнопку звонка
23.01.2022 7:02:14 gen. press the bell button нажать на кнопку звонка
23.01.2022 6:30:45 inf. sweet titbits сладости
23.01.2022 6:30:16 inf. sweet titbits сласти
23.01.2022 6:27:09 inf. titbits лакомства
23.01.2022 6:00:52 inf. titbits вкусняшки
23.01.2022 4:56:21 gen. through hard work тяжким трудом (тяжким трудом добывать хлеб)
23.01.2022 4:49:55 gen. patient labour кропотливая работа (кропотливый-требующий внимания, усердия, терпения (о занятии, труде и т. п.))
23.01.2022 4:49:55 gen. patient labour кропотливый труд (кропотливый-требующий внимания, усердия, терпения (о занятии, труде и т. п.))
23.01.2022 4:40:37 gen. through hard work упорной работой
23.01.2022 4:38:06 gen. achieve a goal through hard work достичь цели упорным трудом
23.01.2022 4:35:46 gen. through hard work упорным трудом
23.01.2022 4:28:26 gen. are you through with your work? ты закончил свою работу?
23.01.2022 4:27:24 gen. are you through with your work? вы закончили свою работу?
22.01.2022 2:32:02 inf. queer fish чудик
22.01.2022 2:30:54 inf. oddball чудик
22.01.2022 2:30:54 inf. pigheaded fellow чудик
22.01.2022 2:30:54 inf. queer customer чудик
22.01.2022 2:30:54 inf. queer fellow чудик
22.01.2022 2:04:54 gen. quarrelsome собачливый
22.01.2022 1:56:26 gen. quarrelsome скандальный
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative склочный (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative конфликтный (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative вздорный (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative склонный к склокам (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative сварливый (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative придирчивый (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative задиристый (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative затевающий ссоры (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative скандальный (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 1:45:34 gen. argumentative собачливый (Syn: quarrelsome. Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start quarrelling with other people.: Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative. You're in an argumentative mood today!)
22.01.2022 0:31:41 med., dis. oral candidiasis оральный кандидоз
21.01.2022 23:52:32 gen. urgent measure срочная мера
21.01.2022 23:52:32 gen. urgent measure экстренная мера
21.01.2022 12:04:45 gen. watch for наблюдать за (If you watch for something or watch out for it, you pay attention so that you notice it, either because you do not want to miss it or because you want to avoid it.: We'll be watching for any developments.. en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 12:04:45 gen. watch for следить за (If you watch for something or watch out for it, you pay attention so that you notice it, either because you do not want to miss it or because you want to avoid it.: We'll be watching for any developments.. en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 12:04:45 gen. watch for наблюдать (за; If you watch for something or watch out for it, you pay attention so that you notice it, either because you do not want to miss it or because you want to avoid it.: We'll be watching for any developments.. en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 12:04:45 gen. watch for следить (за; If you watch for something or watch out for it, you pay attention so that you notice it, either because you do not want to miss it or because you want to avoid it.: We'll be watching for any developments.. en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 11:52:45 gen. look out for наблюдать за (If you look out for something, you pay attention to things so that you notice it if or when it occurs. Syn: watch for: Look out for special deals... What are the symptoms to look out for? en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 11:52:45 gen. look out for выглядывать (If you look out for something, you pay attention to things so that you notice it if or when it occurs. Syn: watch for en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 11:52:45 gen. look out for подыскивать (If you look out for something, you pay attention to things so that you notice it if or when it occurs. Syn: watch for en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 11:52:45 gen. look out for следить за (Look out for special deals... What are the symptoms to look out for? en-academic.com)
21.01.2022 11:11:25 gen. look out выглядывать (from behind something)
21.01.2022 11:11:11 gen. look out выглядывать из-за (from behind something)
19.01.2022 22:55:46 avia. emergency ditching вынужденное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:55:46 avia. emergency water landing вынужденное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:55:46 avia. emergency landing on water вынужденное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:55:23 avia. emergency ditching аварийное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:55:23 avia. emergency water landing аварийное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:55:23 avia. emergency landing on water аварийное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:55:05 avia. emergency ditching аварийная посадка на воду
19.01.2022 22:55:05 avia. emergency water landing аварийная посадка на воду
19.01.2022 22:55:05 avia. emergency landing on water аварийная посадка на воду
19.01.2022 22:53:58 avia. emergency ditching вынужденная посадка на воду
19.01.2022 22:53:58 avia. emergency water landing вынужденная посадка на воду
19.01.2022 22:53:58 avia. emergency landing on water вынужденная посадка на воду
19.01.2022 22:51:16 avia. ditching вынужденное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:50:48 avia. ditching аварийное приводнение
19.01.2022 22:22:46 avia. emergency landing runway аварийная взлётно-посадочная полоса (academic.ru)
19.01.2022 22:22:46 avia. emergency landing runway аварийная ВПП (academic.ru)
19.01.2022 21:32:53 avia. make an emergency landing on the sea совершать вынужденную посадку на воду (dict.cc)
19.01.2022 21:31:37 avia. crash-land in the sea совершать вынужденную посадку на воду (dict.cc)
19.01.2022 21:13:24 astronaut. alight on water производить посадку на воду
19.01.2022 21:12:16 astronaut. alight on water совершать посадку на воду
18.01.2022 4:11:44 inf. old hat старый козёл (The grocer is an old hat, he will not give you a single penny of discount. Source: www.theidioms.com)
18.01.2022 4:09:47 inf. old hat старый хрыч (He maybe an old hat but knows so much about his trade that is sure to surprise you. The grocer is an old hat, he will not give you a single penny of discount. Source: www.theidioms.com)
18.01.2022 4:09:47 inf. old hat старпёр (He maybe an old hat but knows so much about his trade that is sure to surprise you. The grocer is an old hat, he will not give you a single penny of discount. Source: www.theidioms.com)
18.01.2022 4:09:47 inf. old hat старый пердун (He maybe an old hat but knows so much about his trade that is sure to surprise you. The grocer is an old hat, he will not give you a single penny of discount. Source: www.theidioms.com)
18.01.2022 4:04:38 inf. old hat старомодный (old fashioned and boring: : She reckoned jazz was old hat.)
18.01.2022 4:04:38 inf. old hat вышедший из моды (old fashioned and boring: : She reckoned jazz was old hat.)
18.01.2022 4:04:38 inf. old hat несовременный (old fashioned and boring: : She reckoned jazz was old hat.)
18.01.2022 4:00:31 inf. old hat давно известно (if something is old hat, a lot of people have said or done the same thing before and it is therefore not new or interesting : Most of this is probably old hat to you, isn t it?)
18.01.2022 4:00:31 inf. old hat давно не новость (if something is old hat, a lot of people have said or done the same thing before and it is therefore not new or interesting : Most of this is probably old hat to you, isn t it?)
18.01.2022 4:00:31 inf. old hat устаревший (if something is old hat, a lot of people have said or done the same thing before and it is therefore not new or interesting : Most of this is probably old hat to you, isn t it?)
18.01.2022 4:00:31 inf. old hat давно известный (if something is old hat, a lot of people have said or done the same thing before and it is therefore not new or interesting : Most of this is probably old hat to you, isn t it?)
18.01.2022 3:24:19 idiom. be in the hole быть в трудном положении
18.01.2022 3:23:54 idiom. be in a hole быть в трудном положении
18.01.2022 3:22:41 idiom. be in a hole находиться в затруднительном положении
18.01.2022 3:22:41 idiom. be in the hole находиться в затруднительном положении
15.01.2022 9:01:33 poetic hale and hearty цел и невредим
15.01.2022 8:50:25 ornit. male blackbird самец чёрного дрозда
15.01.2022 7:44:16 gen. burst into tears зайтись слезами
15.01.2022 7:42:06 gen. burst out crying разреветься
15.01.2022 7:16:52 gen. hearty laugh сердечный смех
15.01.2022 7:00:48 inf. hale and hearty жив и здоров

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