
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user A.Rezvov: 11.450  << | >>

17.08.2020 14:03:00 econ. baseline эталонный (напр., о цене: What is the competitive baseline "market" price in a world of dynamic, differential pricing?)
17.08.2020 13:34:33 gen. counterfactual противоречащий фактам
17.08.2020 13:34:10 gen. counterfactual не соответствующий фактам
15.08.2020 12:08:10 econ. locked in привязанный к поставщику (о потребителях: One example is when customers are locked in, and the seller uses its market power to segment its customer groups to maximize wealth extraction.)
15.08.2020 12:06:18 econ. customers are locked in потребители привязаны к поставщику (One example is when customers are locked in, and the seller uses its market power to segment its customer groups to maximize wealth extraction.)
15.08.2020 10:26:26 econ. imposition of monopoly prices установление монопольных цен (In Europe, enforcers can perhaps go further in challenging the imposition of monopoly prices by the discriminators.)
15.08.2020 10:20:25 econ. noncollusive не связанный со сговором
14.08.2020 21:23:10 econ. competition enforcers борцы с монополиями
14.08.2020 19:33:29 econ.law. antitrust case law прецеденты по антимонопольным делам
14.08.2020 19:31:46 econ.law. antitrust case law судебная практика рассмотрения антимонопольных дел
14.08.2020 18:55:45 econ. algorithm-driven economy алгоритмическая экономика
14.08.2020 18:40:46 econ. gain a relative advantage добиться сравнительного преимущества
14.08.2020 18:25:12 st.exch. execute an order исполнять заявку
14.08.2020 18:02:39 econ. foreign непонятный
14.08.2020 18:02:39 econ. foreign неизвестный
14.08.2020 17:28:26 econ. manipulation of stock exchange trading манипуляция биржевыми торгами
14.08.2020 17:23:40 econ. perceived competitive environment внешне конкурентная среда (Companies can be a step ahead in developing sophisticated strategies and technologies that distort the perceived competitive environment.)
14.08.2020 17:16:42 gen. free comes at a significant cost бесплатное обходится дорого (As a result, they do not discover that free comes at a significant cost as Frenemies coordinate to better track our behavior, profile us, and target us with behavioral ads.)
14.08.2020 17:10:52 econ. a constellation of большое число (чего-либо/кого-либо: Super-platforms may appear competitive in attracting a constellation of software developers.)
14.08.2020 16:46:47 econ. perfectly rational полностью рациональный
14.08.2020 16:42:56 econ. efficiency-enhancing повышающий экономическую эффективность
14.08.2020 14:59:24 econ. anticompetitive practices методы ограничения конкуренции
14.08.2020 14:55:06 econ. wealth transfer перераспределение достатка (The competitive façade masks the wealth transfer, and the targets of anticompetitive practices–the buyers–are often unaware of the extent of the manipulation.)
14.08.2020 14:37:41 econ. core внутренняя основа (чего-либо: Our concerns go deeper, to the core of the new market dynamics...)
14.08.2020 14:15:30 econ. unimaginativeness отсутствие изобретательности
14.08.2020 14:15:30 econ. unimaginativeness шаблонный подход
14.08.2020 14:07:50 econ. be open-minded to быть готовым рассматривать (что-либо: With that reality in mind, we must be open-minded to new enforcement instruments.)
14.08.2020 13:50:16 econ. antitrust scholar теоретик антимонопольной деятельности (But this debate recurs with every generation of antitrust scholars and practitioners.)
12.08.2020 12:16:15 econ. welfare loss снижение благосостояния
11.08.2020 21:48:55 econ. well-established стабильный (напр., о потребительских предпочтениях)
11.08.2020 19:27:24 econ. going on sale начало продаж
11.08.2020 19:13:07 econ. decision maker игрок (любое лицо, принимающее хоть какие-либо решения: Indeed, one criticism of Hayek's theory concerns its assumption that, despite the dispersal of knowledge among a large number of decision makers, "as a whole, the aggregated set of all decision makers have a complete set of all relevant knowledge.)
11.08.2020 19:05:49 econ. criticism пункт критики (Indeed, one criticism of Hayek's theory concerns its assumption that, despite the dispersal of knowledge among a large number of decision makers, "as a whole, the aggregated set of all decision makers have a complete set of all relevant knowledge.)
11.08.2020 19:01:45 econ. game with incomplete information игра с неполной информацией
10.08.2020 16:50:48 econ. metered space парковочное место с паркометром (So the city installed wireless parking sensors in 8,200 on-street metered spaces, which detected parking availability in real time and monitored public garages.)
10.08.2020 14:44:10 inet. two-way communication двусторонняя передача данных (As one proponent wrote, "A combination of new sensory and computing technologies, two-way communications and devices that both create and analyze large volumes of data can now measure and communicate real-time demand.)
10.08.2020 14:20:43 gen. forthcoming своевременный (ready or available when required or expected)
10.08.2020 12:51:16 econ. cripple нанести серьёзный урон (напр., экономике: Faced with the possibility that the strike might cripple its economy, Chile's government responded by utilizing its information network to coordinate the activities of those factories that were not striking and effectively allocate resources to them.)
10.08.2020 12:47:28 econ. national strike общенациональная забастовка
8.08.2020 14:13:48 econ. uniform market price единая рыночная цена (One scenario, as we saw, will be the gradual demise of a uniform market price, as pricing algorithms individualize price and product offerings as they approach near-perfect behavioral discrimination.)
7.08.2020 19:56:53 econ. instant price цена на текущий момент (And the technostructure, while knowing the general objectives of the algorithm, may not necessarily know how the algorithm determined the instant price.)
7.08.2020 19:35:57 econ. corporate decision-making power полномочия принятия решений в крупных компаниях (Corporate decision-making power, economist John Kenneth Galbraith observed, resides not with the CEO but with the technostructure.)
7.08.2020 17:47:16 econ. viable option реальная альтернатива (The competing services may not benefit from economies of scale; public transportation and taxis may not be a viable option (and if they are, the waiting time may be longer).)
7.08.2020 16:55:25 econ. price competitively устанавливать конкурентную цену (Arguably, Uber has to price competitively.)
7.08.2020 15:00:50 bank. too big to fail системно значимый
6.08.2020 17:47:54 econ. economic prediction экономическое прогнозирование (The Soviet economist noted how complex problems of economic prediction, control, planning, and resource allocation may be resolved, among other things, with advancements in computing technology and algorithms.)
6.08.2020 17:39:22 gen. the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel Премия Шведского государственного банка в области экономических наук памяти Альфреда Нобеля (полное официальное название Нобелевской премии по экономике)
5.08.2020 18:58:11 econ. laissez-faire attitude отказ от вмешательства (государства в работу рынка: He was careful to distinguish his opposition to central planning from a dogmatic laissez-faire attitude.)
5.08.2020 18:15:13 scient. seminal оказавший большое влияние (напр., о статье)
5.08.2020 14:02:31 econ. dynamics of competition механизмы конкуренции (If so, then surely the dynamics of competition would radically change.)
5.08.2020 13:38:52 econ. shared value ценность для всех (The solution lies in the principle of shared value, which involves creating economic value in a way that also creates value for society by addressing its needs and challenges.)
4.08.2020 21:43:55 gen. conscious capitalism сознательный капитализм (The term conscious capitalism refers to a socially responsible economic and political philosophy. Proponents of conscious capitalism believe that businesses should operate ethically while they pursue profits. investopedia.com)
4.08.2020 16:56:08 gen. work to стараться (делать что-либо: At best, the agencies and courts might understand the risks and work to confront them, among other things, by educating the user about the cost of free.)
3.08.2020 18:28:39 AI. variety of data многообразие данных
3.08.2020 17:41:26 AI. a greater volume and variety of data данные с растущим объёмом и многообразием (Also, algorithms learn through trial and error and finding patterns from a greater volume and variety of data.)
3.08.2020 17:38:21 AI. a large volume and variety of personal data персональные данные большого объёма и многообразия (Companies that operate and control these online platforms can collect a large volume and variety of personal data that may have significant value.)
3.08.2020 17:28:41 AI. conversational data диалоговые данные
31.07.2020 19:55:46 gen. devious ушлый
29.07.2020 18:58:02 gen. mental repose душевное успокоение (But the online (and increasingly offline) tracking of our behavior can impede our creativity, solitude, and mental repose.)
29.07.2020 15:41:31 gen. voting preferences избирательные предпочтения (By manipulating the rankings of search results, the studies found, "Google's search algorithm can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more–up to 80 percent in some demographic groups–with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated.)
29.07.2020 15:37:53 inet. rankings of search results порядок выдачи результатов поиска (By manipulating the rankings of search results, the studies found, "Google's search algorithm can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more–up to 80 percent in some demographic groups–with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated.)
28.07.2020 21:35:16 inet. social связанный с социальными сетями (A 2016 study found that Facebook "sends by far the most mobile readers to news sites of any social media sites"–82 percent of the social traffic to longer news stories and 84 percent of the social traffic to shorter news articles.)
28.07.2020 21:30:04 inet. news story новостное сообщение
28.07.2020 21:27:18 inet. social traffic трафик из социальных сетей (A 2016 study found that Facebook "sends by far the most mobile readers to news sites of any social media sites"–82 percent of the social traffic to longer news stories and 84 percent of the social traffic to shorter news articles.)
28.07.2020 18:01:31 econ. undermine attempts пресекать попытки
24.07.2020 19:29:44 econ. cheat on отклониться (от (цены) молчаливого сговора)
24.07.2020 19:15:10 gen. facilitated by при содействии
24.07.2020 16:48:23 AI. scope of data широкий диапазон данных
24.07.2020 16:36:28 AI. scope of data охват данных
23.07.2020 18:33:50 inet. voice-activated digital assistant голосовой помощник (программа/устройство)
23.07.2020 17:53:02 gen. jockey вести борьбу (за что-либо: The rival political parties are already jockeying for power.)
23.07.2020 15:43:14 econ. direct response advertising реклама прямого отклика
22.07.2020 21:33:41 econ. restaurant заведение общепита (совершенно не обязательно ресторан в традиционном для России смысле: After deciding which dishes we want, we place our order with the restaurant and pay online or on delivery.)
22.07.2020 19:54:49 econ. outside option внешняя альтернатива
22.07.2020 19:32:08 econ. dynamic распределённый во времени
22.07.2020 19:31:37 econ. dynamic не ограниченный одним периодом времени
22.07.2020 19:31:13 econ. dynamic распределённый во времени (не единомоментный)
21.07.2020 20:28:25 gen. online в Интернете
21.07.2020 20:20:33 econ. expand tacit collusion расширить сферу действия молчаливого сговора
21.07.2020 20:19:19 econ. algorithm-supported tacit collusion молчаливый сговор с помощью алгоритмов
21.07.2020 20:19:19 econ. algorithm-supported tacit collusion алгоритмизированный молчаливый сговор
21.07.2020 20:10:37 econ. perfectly price discriminate осуществлять совершенную ценовую дискриминацию
20.07.2020 15:20:57 inet. interest-based ads реклама по интересам
20.07.2020 13:46:09 inet. opt out отказаться (напр., от показа рекламы: Ads are essential to fund many websites. When you opt out, you'll still see ads by Google–they just won't be based on your interests, your visits to advertiser websites, or demographics.)
20.07.2020 13:20:38 context. opt out отключить (в знач. "отказаться от": Google tells users they can opt out of targeted advertising.)
19.07.2020 17:46:56 AI. artificial general intelligence искусственный интеллект общего назначения
14.07.2020 17:39:50 inet. fill in the gaps восполнять недостающие данные (Even if the customers seek to limit what information can be shared, the algorithms–by analyzing a variety of data–could fill in the gaps.)
13.07.2020 21:23:04 econ. noncollusive не основанный на сговоре
10.07.2020 17:35:09 gen. on NYE перед Новым годом
7.07.2020 15:20:19 inet. search activity процесс поиска
2.07.2020 18:32:12 econ. antitrust scrutiny анализ на соответствие антимонопольному законодательству (Moreover, since the Frenemy scenario defies the competition authorities’ horizontal, vertical, interlocking, and conglomerate categories, the acquisitions by the super-platforms would likely escape antitrust scrutiny.)
2.07.2020 16:53:52 gen. subtly незаметно
2.07.2020 16:22:22 econ.law. monopolization case антимонопольное дело (Obama noted that "in seven years, the Bush Justice Department has not brought a single monopolization case.")
1.07.2020 15:07:29 inet. browser extension браузерное расширение
1.07.2020 15:07:29 inet. browser extension расширение для браузера
1.07.2020 15:02:30 inet. ad-blocking technology средства блокировки рекламы (Even here, moreover, Apple is treading lightly. It will not preinstall the ad- blocking technology.)
1.07.2020 14:44:22 adv. blocking ads блокировка рекламы
1.07.2020 13:55:00 data.prot. privacy feature функция защиты конфиденциальности (Apart from the Google/Disconnect story, privacy issues made the news in August 2015, when Apple announced its implementation of a new privacy feature.)
29.06.2020 20:35:13 gen. ad-blocking app блокировщик рекламы (Google, according to the Wall Street Journal, had removed other ad-blocking apps, such as Adblock Plus, from its Play Store.)
29.06.2020 12:32:55 econ. dimension характеристика (Smartphones add another important dimension to behavioral advertising–namely "geofencing," by which advertisers can use one's physical location to target ads.)

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