
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user A.Rezvov: 11.450  << | >>

14.09.2020 19:18:30 media. frame обставить (что-либо: We should expect the beneficiaries of our three scenarios to fund articles, academic initiatives, and think tanks to frame the "virtual competition" debate in ways that support their corporate agenda.)
14.09.2020 19:15:09 gen. harness пустить в ход (что-либо: Here one may harness the credibility of individuals and institutions to propagate certain ideas and create.)
14.09.2020 19:15:09 gen. harness пустить в дело (что-либо: Here one may harness the credibility of individuals and institutions to propagate certain ideas and create.)
10.09.2020 19:33:50 econ.law. antitrust counsel адвокат по антимонопольным делам (The amorphous legal standard is attractive to economists, lobbyists, and antitrust counsel who "know" and "can work" with the agency to dissuade it from intervening in our three scenarios.)
10.09.2020 18:56:16 econ.law. per se illegal antitrust standard антимонопольный критерий незаконности по сути (For hard-core antitrust violations, such as the Messenger and perhaps Hub and Spoke collusion scenarios, the per se illegal antitrust standard limits defenses (and discretion).)
10.09.2020 14:49:28 fig. a flurry of вихрь
10.09.2020 14:46:00 fig. a flurry of шквал
10.09.2020 14:34:05 gen. top первые (в сочетаниях типа the top 10)
10.09.2020 14:34:05 gen. top ведущие (в сочетаниях типа the top 10)
10.09.2020 14:22:04 gen. become public стать известным (широкой общественности)
10.09.2020 14:18:55 econ.law. monopolistic abuses монопольные злоупотребления
10.09.2020 14:18:55 econ.law. monopolistic abuses злоупотребления монопольным положением
10.09.2020 14:18:55 econ.law. monopolistic abuses нарушения антимонопольного законодательства
10.09.2020 14:18:55 econ.law. monopolistic abuses злоупотребления монопольным положением
10.09.2020 14:18:55 econ.law. monopolistic abuses нарушения антимонопольного законодательства
10.09.2020 14:01:40 econ. trade group отраслевое объединение (Corporations and trade groups spend billions of dollars lobbying the U.S. government.)
8.09.2020 20:06:26 fig. run amok зашкаливать (The transaction costs in a world where greed runs amok would be astronomical.)
8.09.2020 14:55:03 econ. deadweight loss безвозвратные потери (общественного благосостояния, вызываются различными обстоятельствами, включая монополизацию, налогообложение и многое другое)
8.09.2020 14:37:31 inet. scrape извлекать материалы (со страниц сайтов при помощи специальных программ wikipedia.org)
7.09.2020 18:48:10 econ. decline in new business formation падение числа вновь созданных предприятий (First, competition appears to be decreasing in many economic sectors, including a decades-long decline in new business formation.)
7.09.2020 18:39:15 econ. decline in competition снижение конкуренции
7.09.2020 15:37:19 econ. be overshadowed by быть малым сравнительно с (чем-либо: Even if the harms we identify are real and persistent, they might be overshadowed by the procompetitive gains we identify in Chapter 1.)
5.09.2020 14:26:38 inet. data harvesting сбор данных (в большом объёме: Successful data harvesting and analysis can have a snowball effect, enabling a provider to better target customers, thereby reinforcing its power by attracting additional users.)
5.09.2020 14:07:27 econ. wealth extraction извлечение доходов (за чей-то счет: One example is when customers are locked in, and the seller uses its market power to segment its customer groups to maximize wealth extraction.)
5.09.2020 13:49:52 IT mobile предназначенный для мобильных устройств (напр., применительно к операционным системам)
5.09.2020 13:44:06 econ. reinforce the popularity повышать популярность
4.09.2020 19:44:07 econ. loyalty card customer обладатель карты постоянного покупателя
4.09.2020 19:41:39 inet. inflowing data поток входных данных
4.09.2020 17:31:43 inet. habit-forming technology технология формирования привыкания (Thus, one concern is that as the super-platform expands, including incorporating more habit-forming technology, it becomes less dependent on third-party tracking technologies and third-party publishers of ads.)
4.09.2020 17:03:29 econ. down from что ниже, чем (In the third quarter of 2015, for example, a market researcher found that "34% of Facebook users updated their status, and 37% shared their own photos, down from 50% and 59%, respectively, in the same period a year earlier.)
4.09.2020 16:38:22 inet. users' level of engagement уровень активности пользователей
3.09.2020 14:30:51 econ. put a value on оценить (что-либо: As we have seen, some tech firms have put a value on our data. Google estimates $720 per person, per year when it talks to investors.)
3.09.2020 14:09:45 econ. relative advantage in status повышение статуса (We are competing against each other for a relative advantage in status.)
2.09.2020 17:46:33 econ. misdirected неверно направленный
2.09.2020 17:41:10 econ. innovate разрабатывать новую продукцию
2.09.2020 16:44:42 names Ludwig von Mises Людвиг фон Мизес (австрийский экономист)
2.09.2020 15:25:50 econ. competitive landscape условия конкуренции (It outlines the possible costs and benefits of intervention and the ability to fine tune instruments to improve the competitive landscape.)
2.09.2020 15:23:31 econ. collective impact совокупное воздействие
2.09.2020 14:38:51 econ. search cost издержки поиска
2.09.2020 14:38:51 econ. search cost поисковые издержки
2.09.2020 14:36:38 econ. be transformative изменить мир (The innovations from machine learning and Big Data can be transformative–lowering our search costs in finding a raincoat or parking spot, lowering entry barriers, creating new channels for expansion and entry, and ultimately stimulating competition.)
2.09.2020 12:45:40 econ. engage in a discussion заняться обсуждением
2.09.2020 12:45:08 econ. engage in a discussion обсуждать
2.09.2020 12:43:46 econ. blanket refusal безоговорочный отказ (Still, we would argue that a blanket refusal to engage in a discussion of possible new tools would be effectively allowing the patient to die on the table.)
2.09.2020 12:29:00 econ. anticompetitive restraint ограничители конкуренции (Some competition agencies envision themselves as surgeons, removing the anticompetitive restraint while leaving intact the procompetitive (or competitively neutral) behavior.)
1.09.2020 17:31:12 econ. policy failure неверный выбор стратегии (The lack of tools may represent a policy failure – namely, the agency's pursuit of what is readily quantifiable over what is important.)
1.09.2020 16:56:23 econ. intervene in the market вмешиваться в работу рынка
1.09.2020 14:52:44 econ. cheap talk необязывающее общение (Here the focus is on "cheap talk," that is, data exchanges that facilitate conscious parallelism but are of limited use to customers.)
1.09.2020 14:45:09 econ. commercially sensitive information ключевая коммерческая информация (One possibility may be to focus on commercially sensitive information that, although publicly available, is of little or no value to customers but helps the competitors arrive at a supracompetitive price.)
31.08.2020 18:17:51 econ. game the system переиграть систему (в рамках правил добиться нужного для себе результата, который рассматривается как нежелательный: But pricing algorithms, like humans, could game the system.)
31.08.2020 17:58:03 econ. collusive price цена, основанная на сговоре
31.08.2020 17:52:48 econ. undercut the market price устанавливать цену ниже рыночной (But we want to design ways for companies to undercut the market price using nontransparent communications with buyers.)
31.08.2020 17:48:00 econ. match each other's price подстраиваться под цены конкурентов (Such an approach has been implemented in the fuel sector in Austria and Western Australia, where sellers are limited in their ability to match each other's price more than once a day.)
31.08.2020 15:12:33 econ. destabilize препятствовать (ценовому сговору и т.п.: Careful design of secret bids and sales could help destabilize algorithm-supported tacit collusion.)
31.08.2020 14:54:18 econ. loyalty card shopper обладатель карты постоянного покупателя
31.08.2020 12:42:39 econ. discounting политика низких цен
31.08.2020 12:30:19 econ. incumbent старый игрок (противопоставляется новым игрокам – компаниям, пытающимся выйти на рынок)
31.08.2020 12:06:29 econ. nuclear option крайняя мера
31.08.2020 12:06:29 econ. nuclear option крайний шаг
31.08.2020 11:55:15 econ. maverick самостоятельно действующая компания (не предпринимающая попыток координировать действия с другими игроками с целью повышения цен и т. п.)
31.08.2020 11:39:09 econ. rebate частичный возврат (прежде уплаченных сумм)
26.08.2020 17:54:16 econ. social purchasing site сайт совместных закупок (Social purchasing sites, such as CrowdZap, which assemble buying groups and achieve economies of scale in purchasing, including the "Big Switch" initiative to save money on energy bills, are injecting competition.)
26.08.2020 17:49:45 econ. inject competition усиливать конкуренцию (Social purchasing sites, such as CrowdZap, which assemble buying groups and achieve economies of scale in purchasing, including the "Big Switch" initiative to save money on energy bills, are injecting competition.)
26.08.2020 17:44:54 econ. economies of scale in purchasing экономия за счёт объёма закупок (Social purchasing sites, such as CrowdZap, which assemble buying groups and achieve economies of scale in purchasing, including the "Big Switch" initiative to save money on energy bills, are injecting competition.)
26.08.2020 17:26:38 econ. supracompetitive profit сверхприбыль
26.08.2020 17:26:38 econ. supracompetitive profit прибыль, превышающая уровень конкурентного рынка
26.08.2020 17:23:53 econ. consumer-owned cooperative потребительский кооператив (To destabilize algorithm-enhanced tacit collusion or widespread behavioral discrimination, the government might promote entry by companies with different economic incentives. One example would be entry by consumer-owned cooperatives, where the supracompetitive profits are redistributed to consumers in the form of rebates.)
26.08.2020 17:15:44 IT privacy protections средства защиты конфиденциальности
26.08.2020 17:05:56 gen. 360-degree всеохватный
26.08.2020 16:42:23 IT digital alter ego цифровой двойник (Computer science professor Pedro Domingos, for example, proposed creating a digital alter ego: "For a subscription fee, such a firm would record your every interaction with the digital world, build and maintain a 360-degree model of you, and use it to negotiate with other people's models.)
26.08.2020 16:09:21 IT Data Protection Regulation Регламент о защите персональных данных (действует в Евросоюзе)
26.08.2020 13:33:59 IT browser choice screen экран выбора браузера
26.08.2020 11:53:55 IT default privacy options стандартные настройки параметров конфиденциальности (Second, we should require default privacy options that are generally aligned with our privacy interests.)
26.08.2020 11:44:50 IT default option стандартный вариант (настроек и т.п.)
26.08.2020 11:37:00 econ.law. customer empowerment раскрепощение потребителей
25.08.2020 18:13:01 econ.law. under-active consumers недостаточно активные потребители
25.08.2020 18:10:31 econ.law. consumer engagement problems недостаточная активность потребителей
25.08.2020 18:02:48 econ.law. power to renegotiate возможность пересмотреть условия соглашения (Even if the disclosures were briefer, we still lack the power to renegotiate.)
25.08.2020 17:06:28 econ.law. privacy by design встроенная конфиденциальность
24.08.2020 12:49:50 econ.law. ex ante mechanism механизм упреждения (So rather than an ex post approach (wait for the monopolies to arise and then regulate them or prosecute their behavior), the government may favor ex ante mechanisms (toughen the merger laws to prevent monopolies, and facilitate entry by lowering regulatory barriers).)
24.08.2020 12:46:15 econ.law. ex post approach выжидательный подход (So rather than an ex post approach (wait for the monopolies to arise and then regulate them or prosecute their behavior), the government may favor ex ante mechanisms (toughen the merger laws to prevent monopolies, and facilitate entry by lowering regulatory barriers).)
24.08.2020 12:36:24 econ.law. conducive to monopolization предрасположенный к монополизации (о рынке)
24.08.2020 12:28:58 econ.law. in part в частности (What we observe as competition reflects, in part, the legal constraints and incentives, as well as informal social, ethical, and moral norms.)
21.08.2020 15:40:04 econ.law. competition law investigation антимонопольное расследование (Unlike traditional competition law investigations, the focus is not whether one or several companies violated the law but on the operation of the market and identifying possible market failures.)
21.08.2020 15:29:04 econ.law. level and open честный и открытый (напр., о рынке: But they can make an important contribution to keeping digital markets level and open.)
21.08.2020 15:11:04 econ.law. scope широта применимости (законодательства: While antitrust may prove useful in addressing some dynamics, it may lack the scope and refinement to address others.)
21.08.2020 15:05:47 econ.law. scope сфера действия (законодательства: Even within a jurisdiction, elected officials, enforcers, and courts can differ over the choice of cases, the enforcement agenda, the way the law is applied, the goals and scope of competition law, and the wisdom of intervening in our three scenarios.)
20.08.2020 19:44:47 inet. data-driven marketing маркетинг на основе больших данных
20.08.2020 19:37:12 gen. where does this leave us? к чему это нас привело?
20.08.2020 18:05:47 econ. alleged anticompetitive practices методы предположительного ограничения конкуренции (Neither the FTC nor the DOJ has challenged many data-driven mergers or the alleged anticompetitive practices of Google and Amazon.)
20.08.2020 18:01:44 econ. data-driven merger слияние, связанное с цифровыми данными
20.08.2020 17:56:49 econ.law. anticompetitive unilateral conduct односторонние действия, ограничивающие конкуренцию (Notwithstanding her rhetoric, the DOJ since 1999 has challenged a monopoly only once for engaging in anticompetitive unilateral conduct.)
20.08.2020 17:38:49 econ. Antitrust Division антимонопольный департамент (Министерства юстиции США)
20.08.2020 17:27:40 econ.law. deferential благорасположенный
20.08.2020 17:12:48 econ.law. wisdom обоснованность (Even within a jurisdiction, elected officials, enforcers, and courts can differ over the choice of cases, the enforcement agenda, the way the law is applied, the goals and scope of competition law, and the wisdom of intervening in our three scenarios.)
18.08.2020 13:25:52 econ.law. ability of markets to correct themselves способность рынков к саморегулированию
17.08.2020 19:37:43 econ.law. effective remedy действенная мера (устранения проблем и т.п.: Courts and enforcers also may be reluctant to intervene and find the firm liable under the antitrust law, if no effective remedy exists.)
17.08.2020 18:03:39 econ. tilt against стать доводом против (чего-либо: The competitive façade, in addition to intellectual capture propagated by interested parties, may tilt against intervention.)
17.08.2020 17:53:34 gen. intellectual capture идейное подчинение
17.08.2020 14:09:25 gen. next следом

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