
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user A.Rezvov: 11.450  << | >>

21.10.2020 19:56:33 gen. treadmill беговое колесо (в том числе в переносном смысле)
21.10.2020 18:14:12 gen. present a challenge обусловить проблему (collinsdictionary.com)
21.10.2020 17:57:51 econ. audit an algorithm анализировать алгоритм (A third challenge concerns the ability to effectively audit an algorithm or intervene in the market.)
21.10.2020 16:21:49 econ. open the way дать возможность (кому-либо делать что-либо: Such provisions aim to reduce the number of price changes, open the way for competitors to undercut the collusive price, and promote a seller's reputation as a discounter.)
21.10.2020 14:52:02 inet. developments ход событий (We are seeing such developments in the European Union, where privacy generally, and informational privacy in particular, has long been a fundamental right.)
19.10.2020 21:03:04 inet. be broken не работать (The notice-and-consent privacy model is broken.)
19.10.2020 19:51:32 econ. credibly заслуживающим доверие образом
19.10.2020 19:51:02 econ. credibly доверительно
19.10.2020 18:53:42 econ.law. enforcement agenda список задач антимонопольной политики (Even within a jurisdiction, elected officials, enforcers, and courts can differ over the choice of cases, the enforcement agenda, the way the law is applied, the goals and scope of competition law, and the wisdom of intervening in our three scenarios.)
19.10.2020 13:05:47 psychol. comfort zone зона комфорта (We would therefore be willingly locked into our comfort zone.)
19.10.2020 12:42:02 econ. ride лицо, занятое пассажирскими перевозками (не обязательно таксист в строгом смысле слова: Uber used its app to mobilize protests against the New York mayor's proposal for a cap on the number of available rides.)
19.10.2020 12:32:00 econ. cap ограничение сверху (на какую-либо величину: Uber used its app to mobilize protests against the New York mayor's proposal for a cap on the number of available rides.)
19.10.2020 12:29:23 econ. put a cap ограничить сверху (что-либо: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio recently proposed a system in which ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft would have to put a cap on the number of drivers in the city.)
16.10.2020 14:36:36 econ. normative связанный с нормами (Competition is normative. What we observe as competition reflects, in part, the legal constraints and incentives, as well as informal social, ethical, and moral norms.)
16.10.2020 11:29:59 econ. counterintuitive необоснованный (As markets may display many characteristics of a competitive environment, intervention may seem counterintuitive.)
16.10.2020 11:22:37 econ. ethical trading этичная коммерция (In the context of competition and markets, friction among profit maximization, ethical trading, and consumer welfare exists.)
16.10.2020 11:21:22 econ. in the context of в условиях (чего-либо: In the context of competition and markets, friction among profit maximization, ethical trading, and consumer welfare exists.)
15.10.2020 17:20:44 econ.law. generalized approach шаблонный подход (Such failure will likely lead to generalized approach, and ultimately to welfare loss.)
15.10.2020 16:35:42 econ. differentiated неоднородный (о товарах и услугах: It will likely take years for algorithms to solve more complex games and for a complete picture of many markets for differentiated goods and services.)
15.10.2020 16:15:41 econ. demand-responsive гибкий (о ценах и ценообразовании: The city's pilot "demand-responsive" pricing program was apparently successful on many levels.)
15.10.2020 15:57:44 econ. natural competition dynamics естественные механизмы конкуренции (We may not observe in each market when the digitalized hand displaces the natural competition dynamics.)
15.10.2020 14:27:24 gen. efficiently без проблем (Higher prices means more cars, means more rides, means more people getting around the city efficiently, safely AND in style.)
15.10.2020 14:27:08 econ. efficiently удачно
15.10.2020 14:22:31 gen. get around the city перемещаться по городу (Higher prices means more cars, means more rides, means more people getting around the city efficiently, safely AND in style.)
10.10.2020 12:15:09 IT automated способный действовать без участия человека (о программе и т. п.: "Facebook Messenger already has more than 700 million users," which yields it the following advantage: "with access to so many users, Facebook has a plausible way to get the gigantic quantity of conversational data required to make a chat-based assistant sufficiently automated.")
9.10.2020 16:00:02 econ. behavioral action рефлекторные действия (...signs of anger that should trigger a behavioral action.)
9.10.2020 14:39:29 econ. behavioral поведенческий
8.10.2020 20:46:39 gen. roots любовь (к родным местам и т. п.)
8.10.2020 20:39:59 gen. root in рыться (в чём-либо в поисках чего-либо: Dogs root in the debris at the roadside. collinsdictionary.com)
8.10.2020 20:38:07 gen. root through рыться (в чем-то в поисках чего-либо: She rooted through the bag, found what she wanted, and headed toward the door. collinsdictionary.com)
8.10.2020 19:54:20 gen. day-to-day activities повседневные дела (As more people rely on the super-platform's personal assistant for their day-to-day activities, so too will sellers gravitate to the super-platform.)
8.10.2020 19:32:58 psychol. loyalty привязанность (I was born in Texas, lived in the Midwest and now live in New England and I've renounced my Midwestern loyalty for a Boston one.)
8.10.2020 19:17:46 market. special deal специальное предложение
7.10.2020 18:10:02 inet. add-on расширение (для браузера: Ghostery is a tracking protection tool available as an addon for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.)
5.10.2020 20:49:45 gen. anecdotally по некоторым сведениям
5.10.2020 20:49:26 gen. anecdotally по отдельным сведениям
5.10.2020 20:48:59 gen. anecdotally по отдельным данным
5.10.2020 20:48:36 gen. anecdotally по разрозненным данным
2.10.2020 21:09:56 polit. challenger противник
2.10.2020 17:10:54 IT developer account аккаунт разработчика (Вы можете связать свой аккаунт разработчика Google Play с другими аккаунтами и сервисами, например с Google Рекламой, DoubleClick Digital Marketing, Firebase, а также с платёжным центром Google. google.com)
2.10.2020 15:44:44 adv. mediation service посреднические услуги (As Google's website states: "With the largest source of global advertiser demand, flexible ad controls, and an industry-leading mediation service, AdMob is the best platform to monetize your apps and maximize your ad revenue through app advertising.)
2.10.2020 14:14:41 market. improve one's horizontal position усилить присутствие (на рынке: An acquisition at the peak of its value would maximize the independent app's profits. It would also improve its horizontal position in the downstream market.)
1.10.2020 21:32:28 econ.law. antitrust enforcement практическое применение антимонопольного законодательства
1.10.2020 21:31:08 econ.law. antitrust enforcement policy стратегия применения антимонопольного законодательства
1.10.2020 20:56:15 econ.law. anticompetitive abuses злоупотребления монопольным положением (The independent apps cannot rely on the antitrust laws to protect them from the super-platform's anticompetitive abuses.)
1.10.2020 19:05:48 econ. distort competition препятствовать конкуренции
1.10.2020 14:48:14 econ. advertising-fueled зависящий от рекламы (In other words, why should Google accept an app that would undermine its own and its ecosystem's advertising-fueled business model?)
1.10.2020 14:48:14 econ. advertising-fueled финансируемый за счёт рекламы (In other words, why should Google accept an app that would undermine its own and its ecosystem's advertising-fueled business model?)
1.10.2020 11:19:40 inet. targeted advertising opt-out feature возможность отключить адресную рекламу (But app developers could circumvent Google's targeted advertising opt-out feature in Android.)
1.10.2020 11:19:40 inet. targeted advertising opt-out feature возможность отказаться от показа адресной рекламы (But app developers could circumvent Google's targeted advertising opt-out feature in Android.)
1.10.2020 11:17:12 inet. opt out of targeted advertising отключить адресную рекламу (Google tells users they can opt out of targeted advertising.)
1.10.2020 11:17:12 inet. opt out of targeted advertising отказаться от показа адресной рекламы (Google tells users they can opt out of targeted advertising.)
30.09.2020 20:07:59 inet. malware detection engine система выявления вредоносных программ (...some applications [ were] communicating with websites that have been deemed malicious by malware detection engines.)
30.09.2020 17:35:52 econ.law. make out an antitrust claim давать основания для антимонопольного иска (Moreover, the Commission may find that Disconnect's version of facts, even if true, does not make out an antitrust claim.)
30.09.2020 17:35:05 econ.law. antitrust claim антимонопольный иск (Moreover, the Commission may find that Disconnect's version of facts, even if true, does not make out an antitrust claim.)
30.09.2020 15:09:55 inet. in a controlled manner управляемо (The super-platform's ecosystem will develop in a controlled manner in line with the super-platform's strategic goals.)
30.09.2020 14:24:12 IT experience возможности (доступные пользователю)
30.09.2020 14:21:57 IT experience то, что пользователь увидит
30.09.2020 14:21:57 IT experience то, с чем пользователь столкнется
30.09.2020 13:31:02 IT experience of content ознакомление с контентом (Even worse, to the extent that such firms compile politically sensitive information about users, and mediate their experience of content, they are also powerful political actors.)
30.09.2020 12:55:32 inet. respawning восстановление (ранее удалённых пользователем cookie-файлов)
29.09.2020 19:23:19 inet. canvas fingerprinting снятие цифровых отпечатков (Canvas fingerprinting is one of a number of browser fingerprinting techniques for tracking online users that allow websites to identify and track visitors using the HTML5 canvas element instead of browser cookies or other similar means. wikipedia.org)
29.09.2020 19:07:40 inet. Flash cookie Flash cookie-файл (Набор данных, который сайты, использующие программу Adobe Flash, могут сохранять на компьютере пользователя. Эти файлы, подобно обычным cookie-файлам, можно использовать для хранения информации, но в гораздо большем объёме.)
29.09.2020 19:02:57 inet. entity tag метка ETag (составная часть механизма кэширования Интернет-страниц)
29.09.2020 18:58:29 inet. ETag метка ETag (то же, что entity tag, составная часть механизма кэширования интернет-страниц)
29.09.2020 16:14:09 inet. respawning cookie возобновляемый cookie-файл (A respawning cookie is a standard HTTP cookie backed up by data stored in additional files that are used to rebuild the original cookie when the user visits the originating site again. techtarget.com)
29.09.2020 13:53:45 inet. unique to предназначенный именно для (Each web browser on a computer (e.g., Internet Explorer or Chrome) stores the cookies that are created during a user's use of the browser in a folder on the user's computer that is unique to that browser.)
28.09.2020 16:31:13 inet. web property электронные ресурсы одного владельца
28.09.2020 16:11:28 inet. privacy concerns вопросы обеспечения конфиденциальности
28.09.2020 14:24:16 econ. disrupt радикально поменять (The real threat to the super-platform generally comes from innovation that disrupts the entire market.)
28.09.2020 14:24:16 econ. disrupt принципиально изменить (The real threat to the super-platform generally comes from innovation that disrupts the entire market.)
28.09.2020 14:13:08 econ. components of one's entry into the market элементы чьей-либо стратегии выхода на рынок
28.09.2020 14:11:07 econ. entry появление новых игроков (на рынке)
28.09.2020 14:09:53 econ. entry вхождение на рынок (новых игроков)
28.09.2020 14:09:30 econ. entry выход на рынок (новых игроков)
25.09.2020 19:59:56 inet. serve показывать (о рекламе: Some data brokers are using similar technology to serve targeted advertisements to consumers on mobile devices.)
23.09.2020 19:27:57 inet. third-party cookie cookie-файл третьей стороны
23.09.2020 19:24:08 inet. first-party cookie собственный cookie-файл (Cookies were originally developed for a benign purpose: an online shopping site placed the cookie (first-party cookie) to help remember the items you wanted to purchase (e.g., placed in your shopping cart) as you browsed its website.)
23.09.2020 19:17:26 inet. pixel рекламный пиксель (применяется, чтобы отслеживать посещения и поведение пользователей: Things like cookies and pixels are used to deliver relevant ads, track ad campaign performance and efficiency.)
23.09.2020 16:17:37 inet. harvest data собирать данные
23.09.2020 15:51:39 inet. digital media электронные ресурсы
22.09.2020 17:26:18 econ. ring fence резервировать (напр., товар: The BA also surveyed publishers, and the feedback was alarming: <...> 4.6% said they had been asked by Amazon to ring fence stock for Amazon, without receiving a guaranteed order...)
22.09.2020 10:53:23 inet. dislike то, что не нравится (This information is used in the Comscore market research efforts to build products and services which help companies better understand the likes and dislikes of consumers.)
22.09.2020 10:51:13 gen. like то, что нравится (This information is used in the Comscore market research efforts to build products and services which help companies better understand the likes and dislikes of consumers.)
19.09.2020 16:12:15 econ. downstream level уровень конечного потребления
19.09.2020 15:27:50 econ. downstream operator компания рынка конечного потребления
19.09.2020 14:55:46 econ. downstream на рынке конечного потребления
19.09.2020 14:55:46 econ. downstream на рынок конечного потребления
19.09.2020 14:55:46 econ. downstream с рынка конечного потребления
18.09.2020 20:30:01 econ. operator компания (контекстуально)
18.09.2020 19:59:44 econ. learning advantage преимущество по объёму опыта (As Forbes has noted, "unlike human drivers who must rely on their own experience for learning, Google's cars will learn from every Google car's experience. That means that the more cars Google puts on the road compared to its competitors, the greater its learning advantage.)
18.09.2020 19:48:13 econ. downstream нижние звенья цепи сбыта
18.09.2020 19:40:41 econ.law. as efficient competitor столь же эффективный конкурент (If the data clearly suggest that an as efficient competitor can compete effectively with the pricing conduct of the dominant firm, the Commission will in principle infer that the dominant undertaking's pricing conduct is not likely to have an adverse impact on effective competition, and thus on consumers, and will be therefore unlikely to intervene.)
18.09.2020 17:34:45 IT crowd-sourcing app краудсорсинговое приложение
18.09.2020 17:28:15 econ. downstream market рынок конечного потребления (When, in the future, consumers start using Google’s (and perhaps Apple’s) driverless cars and ride-sharing services, the super-platforms have the potential to become a powerful force in these downstream markets.)
18.09.2020 15:40:04 IT fork альтернативный вариант (развития некоторого проекта: Most developers probably say "yes" to Google APIs, and the next question is what should they do about the Kindle and other Android forks?)
18.09.2020 13:30:11 econ.law. competitive relationship конкурентная взаимосвязь (отношения между компаниями, описываемые с точки зрения конкуренции; анализируются антимонопольными органами: The agencies typically classify the competitive relationship, if any, between firms as horizontal, vertical, interlocking, or conglomerate. Companies in a horizontal relationship operate at the same level of the distribution chain; they compete directly for market share (such as Coke vs. Pepsi).)
14.09.2020 19:33:16 econ. self-correcting market саморегулирующийся рынок (When confronted with market realities–such as declining upward mobility, diminishing rates of small-company creation, increasing market concentration and power, and widening wealth inequality–they will likely pivot from the economic realities to the neoclassical economic theories of self-correcting markets.)
14.09.2020 19:25:24 media. corporate agenda корпоративные интересы (We should expect the beneficiaries of our three scenarios to fund articles, academic initiatives, and think tanks to frame the "virtual competition" debate in ways that support their corporate agenda.)
14.09.2020 19:19:50 media. frame подать (что-либо: We should expect the beneficiaries of our three scenarios to fund articles, academic initiatives, and think tanks to frame the "virtual competition" debate in ways that support their corporate agenda.)

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