
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Гевар: 769  << | >>

5.04.2017 4:21:43 idiom. train one's sights on стремиться к
4.04.2017 13:45:59 mil. naval combat морской бой
3.04.2017 6:18:04 mil. layered armour слоёная броня
1.04.2017 18:19:48 el. dirtbox технология цифрового приёмника (Planes are often equipped with tech known as dirtboxes, so-called for the initials DRT that stand for Digital Receiver Technology. They work by mimicking the job of telecommunication towers, tricking mobile phones into sending unique registration data to the dirtbox device.)
24.03.2017 8:26:08 gen. at the push of a button нажатием кнопки (The Quadski is an amphibious transformer, switching from ATV to jet ski at the push of a button)
21.03.2017 8:12:09 gen. come courtesy of становиться возможным благодаря (This ability will come courtesy of the advanced research into a technology called natural laminar flow)
21.03.2017 7:37:14 avia. fuel top-up дозаправка (If for any reason Air Force One needed to remain airborne past that distance – for example, in the event of nuclear war – then a fuel top-up can be handled during flight, as the plane has a refuelling receptacle built in)
19.03.2017 16:19:07 inf. club together скооперироваться
19.03.2017 15:54:43 inf. in today's estimated currency value по сегодняшним деньгам (That would be over $9,500 in today's estimated currency value)
19.03.2017 15:51:31 slang cough up отстегнуть (The plane was the boat-like Benoist XIV, which only had room for the pilot and the auction-winning bidder, who coughed up a healthy $400 for the experience)
10.03.2017 4:56:42 gen. commemorate в честь (Gifted to her in 2002 to commemorate her Golden Jubilee.)
9.03.2017 12:40:14 traf. take a bend сделать поворот
9.03.2017 10:50:05 auto. electronically adjustable damper system электронная регулировка заслонки
9.03.2017 6:18:00 auto. on the green на зелёный свет (As the driver hits the throttle on the green, they experience up to seven Gs of acceleration)
9.03.2017 5:58:48 auto. 0-100kph time разгон до сотни (The car makes a 0-100kph time of approximately 7 seconds)
7.03.2017 11:44:54 gen. milk delivery truck молоковоз
7.03.2017 8:01:02 gen. gulp down пожирать (To deliver that much power, the eight-litre engine gulps down fuel; at full pelt, the Bugatti would drain its entire tank in about 12 minutes)
6.03.2017 6:13:54 gen. bounce back off отражаться от (This radar emits waves that bounce back off nearby objects, helping the car to build a picture of its surroundings)
6.03.2017 6:05:06 auto. forward-facing camera камера переднего вида
6.03.2017 6:00:35 gen. although not quite хоть и не совсем
6.03.2017 5:57:39 traf. switch lanes перестраиваться
5.03.2017 7:24:35 electr.eng. three-pronged plug трёхштырьковая вилка
4.03.2017 5:38:57 gen. stray off course сбиться с курса
24.02.2017 6:17:44 auto. button studs кнопочные шины (Larger tyres with metal "button studs" absorb impact and provide grip on loose surfaces)
24.02.2017 6:08:45 auto. long travel suspension длинноходная подвеска
23.02.2017 7:01:59 cook. stove hood вытяжка (The curved shape of the wok forces hot air from the burner away from the chef and straight up into the stove hood)
23.02.2017 4:23:50 cinema film a movie снимать кино (Today, big studios can afford to film movies at higher rates, ostensibly to offer their audiences a greater sense of immersion)
23.02.2017 4:15:28 cinema film a movie снимать фильм
22.02.2017 8:21:39 cinema cinema chain сеть кинотеатров (The country's permier cinema chains' profits plummeted by more than 50 per cent)
22.02.2017 7:19:39 gen. commemorate one's passing поминать усопшего
21.02.2017 8:37:08 ed. display an ability to проявлять способность к
20.02.2017 10:15:38 ed. fall break from school осенние каникулы в школах
20.02.2017 10:13:26 ed. spring break from school весенние каникулы в школах
20.02.2017 5:46:22 inf. engage your imagination включи своё воображение
20.02.2017 5:45:52 inf. engage one's imagination включить своё воображение
19.02.2017 7:29:24 sec.sys. road tack dispenser разбрасыватель дорожных "ежей"
9.02.2017 5:03:57 gen. racing simulator гоночный тренажёр
7.02.2017 3:59:33 law eyewitness statement показания свидетелей
6.02.2017 4:19:48 forens. decomposition odour запах разложения (The lightweight analyser for buried remains and decomposition odour recognition device – LABRADOR for short – claims to help find hidden graves)
27.01.2017 4:55:16 mil., avia. parasite fighter истребитель сопровождения (A prototype parasite fighter like the Me-328, the American XF-85 Goblin was the world's smallest jet fighter)
27.01.2017 4:51:31 mil., avia. parasite jet fighter истребитель сопровождения
26.01.2017 4:57:23 gen. crush flat расплющить
25.01.2017 4:59:06 tech. bounce off of отражаться от (The range finder continually emits a sonar pulse that bounces off of any nearby obstacles, enabling a sensor to calculate its distance from you)
24.01.2017 5:17:55 prof.jarg. run through a database пробить по базе
24.01.2017 5:15:07 slang run something through a database "пробить" (Scientists work to carefully extract DNA from the crime scene sample, and run it through their database to check for a match)
23.01.2017 6:09:58 cinema fictionalize экранизировать (A fictionalized version of Nikola Tesla was portrayed by Eighties pop artist David Bowie in the 2006 film the Prestige)
23.01.2017 4:39:53 electric. dam off запруживать (Building a hydropower station requires damming off a river, which can harm the local environment)
17.01.2017 12:41:28 auto. at the intersection на перекрёстке (at the intersection of High Street and Memorial Boulevard)
6.01.2017 8:57:46 cook. on a low heat на медленном огне (Now take the saucepan and place it on the stove on a low heat)
6.01.2017 8:10:09 gen. on a scale from one to ten по десятибалльной шкале
6.01.2017 8:09:16 gen. on a scale from one to five по пятибалльной шкале (This shows the difficulty on a scale from one to five, five being the hardest)
5.01.2017 10:05:18 sport. power athlete тяжелоатлет
4.01.2017 10:02:09 forens. planted evidence подброшенная улика (While fingerprints found at a scene cannot be dated, and the added confusion of planted evidence the culprit could use to frame someone else, fingerprints provide an invaluable resource to police officers who need to link a suspect with a location)
4.01.2017 4:38:20 trav. ride aboard совершать рейс на (In 2007, at 65 years of age, Hawking rode aboard a zero-gravity Boeing 727)
22.12.2016 12:06:11 gen. tie shoelaces завязывать шнурки
21.12.2016 5:30:33 comp.sec. contract a virus подцепить вирус (For now, the odds of contracting a virus on a mobile device are low)
20.12.2016 9:44:06 gen. when confronted with столкнувшись c
20.12.2016 4:30:55 law display a willingness изъявлять желание (Mediation tends to be faster than a trial if both sides display a willingness to compromise)
15.12.2016 10:22:29 sec.sys. LELm НПВ (нижний предел взрываемости; lower explosivity limit)
6.12.2016 8:36:17 law place a burden налагать бремя
6.12.2016 7:48:54 law on penalty of imprisonment под страхом тюремного заключения (If a secrecy order issues, an inventor may be barred from filing applications abroad on penalty of imprisonment for up to two years)
25.11.2016 4:31:25 sec.sys. substitution использование (substitution of one thing for another – использование одной вещи вместо другой. Например: Substitution of airless spray for conventional spray equipment can reduce the exposure of a painter to solvent vapors)
24.11.2016 11:04:53 tech. jagged edge зазубренная кромка
23.11.2016 9:42:54 law appeal of citation обжалование предписания
23.11.2016 4:49:37 gen. be embedded into the thinking засесть в голове
23.11.2016 4:49:37 gen. be embedded into the thinking засесть в сознании (The Shingo Prize is awarded to organizations that demonstrate a culture where principles of operational excellence are deeply embedded into the thinking and behavior of all leaders and managers)
10.11.2016 4:43:59 gen. doability достижимость
10.11.2016 4:43:59 gen. doability целесообразность
8.11.2016 8:27:12 airports carrousel багажный конвейер
18.10.2016 7:03:14 idiom. burst someone's bubble резать правду-матку
17.10.2016 5:17:36 product. inputs техническое задание
15.10.2016 6:29:13 media. adv. promoted content на правах рекламы (пометка на публикации)
5.10.2016 13:46:07 tech. echo off отражаться от
25.09.2016 9:46:26 inf. raise sand закатывать скандал (I get me a little drink every now and then when I'm down at the house, but the old lady, she raises so much sand about it, I don't do a lot of drinking down there)
26.08.2016 12:50:55 vulg. puppy яйцо (So, ya gotta be careful, Kid. If you're gonna do this thing, do it right, otherwise they'll fry your balls off. And although you're not using 'em at the moment, trust me, someday soon you're gonna want those puppies workin'!)
24.08.2016 5:10:38 gen. and so on ad infinitum и так до бесконечности
14.08.2016 12:02:27 gen. responsively оперативно
8.08.2016 13:51:29 sport. athletic wear спортивная одежда
5.08.2016 11:31:05 cosmet. extending mirror раздвижное зеркало
15.07.2016 8:25:47 O&G, oilfield. final pipeline alignment окончательная выверка трубопровода
11.07.2016 18:02:15 gen. gas can канистра (для бензина (If you've got a gas can, you can siphon some from me))
28.06.2016 11:05:24 auto. CCA ток холодной прокрутки (cold cranking amps)
20.06.2016 5:52:36 gen. abstainer and non-smoker без вредных привычек
19.06.2016 9:39:56 gen. in high winds при сильном ветре (Large MR-fluid dampers are also being used for stabilizing bridges to steady it in high winds)
18.05.2016 7:25:23 gen. strike a match on a matchbox зажечь спичку об коробок
18.05.2016 6:10:59 gen. gain widespread use получить широкое распространение
5.05.2016 10:44:49 proverb a cold day in hell когда рак на горе свистнет (it'll be a cold day in hell when that happens)
5.05.2016 4:43:33 gen. trivia question тривиальный вопрос
4.05.2016 12:46:07 math. to the thousandths place с точностью до тысячной доли
4.05.2016 7:53:28 math. the fourth power в четвёртой степени (10 to the fourth power)
3.05.2016 8:15:41 gen. plug and chug чрезвычайно лёгкий ("plug and chug" problem)
3.05.2016 8:15:41 gen. plug and chug не требующий умственного напряжения
20.04.2016 7:35:54 med. in vitro fertilization искусственное оплодотворение
19.04.2016 12:52:48 gen. scrape one's tresses into a ponytail собрать волосы в хвост
18.04.2016 11:47:41 gen. witch's cauldron колдовской котёл
7.04.2016 4:57:40 med. communicability передаваемость (вируса)
7.04.2016 4:40:00 med. rigours озноб (severe shivering and sensation of coldness, also known as chills)
25.03.2016 9:41:16 auto. raised rib markings шумовая разметка (In the case of raised rib markings, the passage of wheels generally produces an acoustic or vibratory effect)
22.03.2016 9:42:08 tech. eat through разъедать (Over an extended period of time, the oxidation process will eat through the steam pipes and create severe steam leaks)
30.01.2016 15:15:15 law where provided for в предусмотренных случаях

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