
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Алексей Лило: 9

1.07.2019 17:21:56 gen. smashmouth грубый (о спорт. игре; в политике, т.д.)
1.07.2019 17:21:56 gen. smashmouth лишённый изящества (о спорт. игре; в политике, т.д.)
1.07.2019 17:21:56 gen. smashmouth силовой (о спорт. игре; в политике, т.д.)
5.11.2008 4:08:28 med. health policy политика в здравоохранении (a statement of a decision regarding a goal in health care and a plan for achieving that goal. Alternatively, a field of study and practice in which the priorities and values underlying health resource allocation are determined)
5.11.2008 4:06:54 med. health gain достижения здравоохранения (an outcome of systematic implementation of measures that exert direct lasting influence on duration and quality of life)
5.11.2008 4:06:42 med. health gain достижения в улучшении здоровья (an outcome of systematic implementation of measures that exert direct lasting influence on duration and quality of life)
5.11.2008 3:56:32 med. health for all здоровье для всех (The achievement of such a level of health by all people in the world that will enable them, in social and economic terms, to have a productive life.)
14.09.2003 0:10:40 gen. flip chart спорт. счётное табло, в котором цифры переворачиваются вручную
25.03.2003 1:41:08 footb. server подающий (спорт.)