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Términos sobre el tema Austriaco (uso) (161 статья)
Visum A direct airside transit visa (type A)
Visum B transit visa (type B)
Visum C travel visa (type C)
Visum D residence visa (type D)
Visum D+C residence and travel visa (type D+C)
Vollkoffer idiot
Volontärin, Volontär trainee
Wahlleiter polling clerk
Watsche slap
WEDI, Wiener Ehedokumenteninformationssystem Marriage in Vienna - Document Information System (WEDI)
Weinbeißer small iced gingerbread cake
Weinhauer wine grower
Weinhauerin wine grower
Weinzierl wine grower
weiters furthermore
WISTI, Wiener Staatsbürgerschaftsinformationssystem Vienna Citizenship Information System
Zugsführer acting sergeant
Zusammenführender spouse or parent who has taken up residence in Austria and is subsequently joined by other family members
Zweckänderungsantrag application filed by the holders of a valid residence title (Aufenthaltstitel) intending to change their official purpose of stay in Austria
Zwetschke plum